MSDW Data Contents

The Mount Sinai Data Warehouse (MSDW) collects clinical and operational data for use in clinical and translational research, as well as quality improvement initiatives.


The MSDW provides researchers access to data on patients in the Mount Sinai Health System Epic EHR:

  • Over 11 million patient records
  • Over 87 million patient encounters



Understanding Electronic Health Record (EHR) Data

Principal Data Architect Timothy Quinn, PhD, has developed informative presentations on OMOP Vocabulary Tables and Electronic Health Record (EHR) Data in MSDW:

Mount Sinai’s Epic electronic health record (EHR) system constitutes the primary data source for the Mount Sinai Data Warehouse. Data are also loaded from other ancillary systems.



MSDW Data Model

MSDW ecosystem uses the OHDSI collaborative’s OMOP Common Data Model to facilitate optimal data sharing and interoperability both internally (at Mount Sinai) and externally with research partners. The clinical data are extracted from Mount Sinai’s Epic Caboodle database and other ancillary systems, transformed to the OMOP Common Data Model (CDM) format, and loaded to the MSDW database. These data are updated daily.

The MSDW is situated on the Minerva High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster alongside other research data sets.

MSDW Record Counts

Last updated July 3, 2024

OMOP Table                                                  Record Type                                                                    Distinct Patients                       Record Count
person Patient Demographics 11,907,714 11,907,714
death Patient Date of Death 51,578 51,578
visit_occurrence Chart Documentation Event 5,916,518 101,871,186
visit_occurrence ED Visit 1,264,805 3,123,540
visit_occurrence Hospital Outpatient Visit 976,262 2,784,853
visit_occurrence Inpatient Hospitalization 649,474 972,623
visit_occurrence Inpatient Hospitalization from ED Visit 312,887 602,899
visit_occurrence Mobile Unit Encounter 87,221 145,630
visit_occurrence Outpatient Visit 4,477,479 85,285,020
visit_occurrence Telehealth Visit 715,881 3,178,310
visit_occurrence Urgent Care Visit 7,079 7,604
condition_occurrence Billing Diagnosis 2,617,770 60,472,990
condition_occurrence Encounter Diagnosis 4,237,020 119,783,046
condition_occurrence Hospital Problem 922,623 3,593,212
condition_occurrence Problem List 2,444,954 13,455,224
measurement Flowsheet Measurement 1,820,482 226,459,093
measurement Lab Component Result 4,136,901 1,065,127,536
measurement Vital Signs 3,766,375 649,758,358
drug_exposure Immunization Administration 1,439,713 8,789,505
drug_exposure Immunization from Medication Order 217,360 280,661
drug_exposure Immunization from Procedure Order 793,602 3,599,282
drug_exposure Medication Order 1,058,497 13,338,315
drug_exposure Medication Order with Administration 1,577,362 130,137,549
drug_exposure Medication Order with Dispense 979,471 16,101,517
drug_exposure Outpatient Medication Order 2,701,570 46,818,760
drug_exposure Outpatient Medication Order with Dispense 30,053 318,741
procedure_occurrence General Procedure 5,321,824 323,734,006
procedure_occurrence Procedure Inferred from Flowsheet 23,165 263,268
procedure_occurrence Surgical Procedure 344,000 1,431,224
observation Allergy 3,790,464 4,576,519
observation Family History 1,732,104 71,040,845
observation Flowsheet Observation 2,512,102 116,431,038
observation Past Medical History 2,252,036 8,553,166
observation Patient Cohort Membership 1,938,939 2,860,042
observation Patient Demographics 11,907,732 58,068,225
observation Social History 3,668,447 157,560,645
observation Surgical History Procedure 1,620,594 3,629,477
note Clinical Note 4,933,654 197,316,850
note Lab Component Result Note 2,531,114 17,272,781
provider Provider   1,351,516
provider_attribute_xtn Personnel specialty   174,209
provider_attribute_xtn Physician specialty   604,420
location Care Site Address   15,526
location Patient Address   11,907,713
location Provider Address   1,351,581
care_site Bed   79,375
care_site Care Area   803
care_site Department   6,099
care_site Location   2,118
care_site Place of Service   7,207
care_site Room   7,300
care_site Service Area   50
concept EPIC ALLERGEN   40,065
concept EPIC DIAGNOSIS   1,584,457
concept EPIC LAB COMPONENT   40,363
concept EPIC MEDICATION   140,284
concept EPIC PROCEDURE   185,964
concept EPIC VISIT TYPE   11,677
vocabulary Epic Vocabulary   117
vocabulary MSDW Vocabulary   7
vocabulary PowerPath Vocabulary   8
vocabulary Vocabulary   102