Research Data Services
Empowering research with updated data sets and comprehensive data collection tools
Scientific Computing and Data will be offering the following spring training events for all REDCap users:
REDCap API Training
- Audience: Open to all REDCap users
- Date and Time: Friday, February 28th from 12 – 1 pm (EST)
- Online: Click here to register – Zoom link is provided following registration.
REDCap Essentials
- Audience: Open to all REDCap users
- Date and Time: Friday, March 7th from 12 – 1 pm (EST)
- Online: Click here to register – Zoom link is provided following registration
Advanced REDCap
- Audience: Open to all REDCap users
- Date and Time: Friday, March 14th from 12pm – 1 pm (EST)
- Online: Click here to register – Zoom link is provided following registration.
REDCAP SCHEDULED DOWNTIME: REDCap will be unavailable during a scheduled downtime on Tuesday July 23 from 6pm-7pm for a software update to apply critical security fixes for our REDCap computing environment. This will affect all REDCap users from Icahn School of Medicine and Mount Sinai Health System, including external collaborators, mobile app users, API users, survey participants.
REMINDER: On July 1, 2024, per policies announced last year, we will delete REDCap projects that are:
Unpaid AND Research or Faculty Practice Associates (FPA) Operations projects AND over one year old
inactive for multiple years.
Projects to be deleted as defined above have been locked during the first months of 2024 following multiple communications. (Note that REDCap projects being actively used in the “Hospital Operations”, “Quality Improvement” and “Medical Student” categories are not being locked or deleted, they will be paid directly by MSHS.)
For details please see the “Pricing” section on this page. If you have questions, please contact us here.
Please Note: The 2024 REDcap project rate will continue to be $100/year for all projects older than 90 days. For details please see the “Pricing” section on this page.
REDCAP SCHEDULED DOWNTIME: REDCap will be unavailable during a scheduled downtime on Tuesday May 28 from 6pm-9pm for a software update to apply critical security fixes for our REDCap computing environment. This will affect all REDCap users from Icahn School of Medicine and Mount Sinai Health System, including external collaborators, mobile app users, API users, survey participants.
The Spring 2024 eRAP Town Hall was held Thursday, May 2, 3 pm – 4 pm. The slides are now available.
The Spring 2024 REDCap Town Hall was held Thursday, April 18, 3 pm- 4 pm. The slides and presentation video are now available.
February 22, 2024: Today’s scheduled downtime is complete, and REDCap has been successfully upgraded to v14.0.13. For a description of features, improvements, and changes included in the latest release, see this link
REDCAP SCHEDULED DOWNTIME AND UPGRADE: REDCap will be unavailable during a scheduled downtime on Thursday February 22 from 6pm-11pm for an upgrade to version 14. This will affect all REDCap users from Icahn School of Medicine and Mount Sinai Health System, including external collaborators, mobile app users, API users, survey participants.
PLEASE NOTE: As part of the upgrade to REDCap version 14, the now unsupported Multilingual external module will no longer function after February 22, 2024. While we have separately reached out to contacts of all REDCap projects that potentially use this external module, if you have any questions about this please contact REDCap support
Research Tools
Not sure which tool is right for your research needs? Click here.

The Electronic Research Application Portal Rapid Database Generator (eRAP RDG) is a web-based interactive tool for data entry and reporting. Rapidly develop custom databases for longitudinal single and multi-site studies.

Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) is a secure web application for building and managing online surveys and databases, providing audit trails for tracking data manipulation, user activity, and seamless data downloads.
Data Services
Select data to drive or supplement your research.

Data Ark: Data Commons
Data Ark: Data Commons consists of seven high-quality data sets. Public (restricted and unrestricted) and Sinai-generated data sets are managed, processed and combined in a way that optimizes the power, pace and relevance of our science.

The Human-Aware Data Acquisition (HADatAc) combines acquisitions of data and metadata to logically connect to data, enabling data identification and optimizing data queries. Data is composed of scientific measurements supporting computational scientific activities.

The Human Health Exposure Analysis Resource (HHEAR) data center is a continuation of the CHEAR Data Center to include health outcomes at all ages. The public data advances our knowledge of the effects of environmental exposures on human health throughout life.
Acknowledge Mount Sinai in Your Work
Utilizing research services requires acknowledgements of support by NIH in your publications. To assist, we have provided exact wording of acknowledgements required by NIH for your use.
Supported by grant UL1TR004419 from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health.