About Research Data Services
Scientific Computing’s mission is to enable and accelerate biomedical discovery through collaborative research using high performance computing and data science. Led by Dean for Scientific Computing and Data Patricia Kovatch, the Scientific Computing team provides tools, resources, and assistance to researchers across institutions around the globe.
All of our systems and services are reviewed by IT Security and Compliance every year. Both eRAP and REDCap have designed user support services to answer questions, provide training, and troubleshoot issues. Submit a ticket for your service to ask a question or get started.
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Research Services enable you to collect and analyze your own data. Unsure which tool is a better fit for your research? Compare tools.

About eRAP
eRAP is a 21 CFR Part 11 compliant web-based interactive tool for data entry and reporting. We rapidly develop custom databases for your longitudinal single and multi-site studies.

About REDCap
REDCap is a secure web application for building and managing online surveys and databases.

About Data Ark
Data Ark consists of seven high-quality data sets of public and of Mount Sinai generated data. The overarching goal of the Data Ark is to ensure that research data at Mount Sinai are managed, processed and combined in a way that optimizes the power, pace and relevance of our science.

About HADatAc
HADatAc combines acquisitions of data and metadata to logically connect to data, enabling data identification and optimizing data queries. Data is composed of scientific measurements supporting computational scientific activities

HHEAR is a continuation of the CHEAR Data Center to include health outcomes at all ages. The data is publicly available to improve our knowledge of the effects of environmental exposures on human health throughout life.
About Scientific Computing and Data
Scientific Computing and Data partners with scientists to accelerate scientific discovery. The Scientific Computing team provides tools, resources, and assistance to researchers across institutions around the globe.
Supported by grant UL1TR004419 from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health.