Scientific Computing and Data / High Performance Computing / Documentation / Schrodinger Suite
Schrodinger Suite
Note that this software is open only to users who are in the groups contributing to the license cost. Please contact Professor Marta Filizola at for more information. Access to the Schrödinger Suite on Minerva is by way of the module system. To load the default version in your environment:
module load schrodinger
To load a specific version load the Schrodinger module with the version specified, e.g.,
module load schrodinger/2021-4
To see all available versions on Minerva:
module avail schrodinger
In order to use the graphics interface add an -X flag to your normal ssh connection to establish X-forwarding:
ssh -X
To submit a job to a queue on Minerva, you must have a host file ‘schrodinger.hosts‘ in “~/.schrodinger” directory or the job’s working directory. This host file has to be configured properly with specific requirements about your job including the allocation account, walltime, and others. It’s supposed to be user-specific.
You may use the following example host file with required modification for your jobs. See the Installation Guide for details.
Name: localhost # # Set "tmpdir" to a temporary directory in your work/scratch folder. # e.g. /sc/arion/work/your_user_ID/.tmp_schrodinger # tmpdir: /sc/arion/work/choh07/.tmp_schrodinger Name: serial_premium_30min Host: li03c03 Processors: 2500 Queue: LSF Qargs: -q premium -P acc_XXX -n 1 -W 30 Name: parallel_express_1hr Host: li03c03 Processors: 1500 Queue: LSF Qargs: -q express -P acc_XXX -n %NPROC% -R\"span[ptile=12]\" -W 1:00 Name: gpu_1hr Host: li03c03 processors: 2500 Queue: LSF Qargs: -q gpu -P acc_XXX -R v100 -n %NPROC% -R\"span[ptile=24]\" -W 1:00 gpgpu: 0, Tesla v100 gpgpu: 1, Tesla v100 Name: parallel_express_1hr Host: li03c03 Processors: 7680 Queue: LSF Qargs: -q express -P acc_XXX -n %NPROC% -R\"span[ptile=32]\" -W 1:00 Name: bode_parallel_express_2hr Host: li03c03 Processors: 2484 Queue: LSF Qargs: -q express -P acc_XXX -m bode -n %NPROC% -R\"span[ptile=12]\" -W 2:00
If you want to run jobs on your local machine, you may install the Schrodinger Suite locally. Download the suite compatible with your machine from the Schrodinger web site. You may need to create an account to download the suite.
Please note that job submission to the queueing system of Minerva remotely from the locally installed Schrodinger Suite on your machine is not feasible due to requirement of two-factor authentication.
To set up access to the license server from your local workstation the environment variable “SCHROD_LICENSE_FILE” has to be set to “”:
(bash) export
Create or update the file:
“/Library/Application Support/Schrodinger/license.txt” (Mac)
“C:\Program Files\Schrodinger2021-3\license.txt” (Windows)
to include the following two lines: