Two Interactive V100 GPU Modules Now Live

We have added another V100 GPU node to the dedicated interactive GPU node pool which you can use for your GPU job testing. In total, we have 2 dedicated interactive GPU nodes (lg03a01 & lg03a02 with 4 V100 GPUs on each) in the interactive queue now.   To...


Year 2020: 61 Andrews SJ, Fulton-Howard B, Goate A. 2020. Interpretation of risk loci from genome-wide association studies of Alzheimer’s disease. The Lancet. Neurology 19:326-35 Andrews SJ, Fulton-Howard B, O’Reilly P, Marcora E, Goate AM, collaborators of the...

New high memory compute nodes are open on Minerva

We have completed all the tests on the new high memory compute nodes. Those new nodes are added to both express and premium queues with resource -R himem needed this Thursday. To submit your jobs to high memory nodes,  make sure you add the following lines “#BSUB -R...