Jun 22, 2020 | Research Services
If you use VPN to connect to Minerva and experience a frequent drop of your ssh connections, you may use following ssh configurations to keep your ssh session alive:...
Apr 14, 2020 | Research Services
As a part of our HIPAA compliance activities, we need to shut down the external gateway access to Minerva. PI’s need to sponsor their external collaborators through Sailpoint, including requesting a school VPN account and renewing every 120 days. The High...
Mar 26, 2020 | Research Services
Please migrate your work files to: /sc/hydra/work/userid/
Mar 26, 2020 | Research Services
4:25 PM 03/26/2020: We have noticed that sometimes using VPN you may land in a campus/hospital subnet that is separated from the Minerva network. If you already use VPN and are still unable to connect to minerva/chimera/minerva13/minerva14, please try your connection...