On Thursday, August 8th we hosted a virtual symposium featuring the Ma’ayan Laboratory’s undergraduate trainees in the 2024 Summer Research Training Program in Biomedical Big Data Science. This nationally acclaimed summer program for undergraduate students is a ten-week research intensive training program. The trainees in the program carry out cutting-edge research projects aimed at solving data-intensive biomedical problems with computational methods. The faculty-mentored independent research projects are in the following areas: data harmonization, machine learning, cloud computing, and dynamic interactive data visualization, and are applied to datasets from cancer, diabetes, and aging.
10:00 AM ET
Opening Remarks (Heesu Kim)
10:05 AM ET
Benchmarking Methods to Rank LINCS L1000 Consensus Signatures (Kareena Legare)
10:15 AM ET
Knowledge Graph User Interfaces for Harmonizome and the CFDE Biomarker Partnership (Nathania Lingam)
10:25 AM ET
scRNAseq2Targets: a scRNA-seq Data Analysis Workflow with a Focus on Identifying Drugs and Targets when Comparing Two Conditions (Bilal Ali)
10:35 AM ET
RummagenexRummaGEO: Crossing the Rummagene and RummaGEO Gene Sets for Novel Hypotheses Generation (Eugenia Ampofo)
10:45 AM ET
Gene-gauging: An Engaging Search Engine for Gene Expression across Different Ages (Tejal Nair)
10:55 AM ET
A CFDE Workbench Chatbot for Discovering Knowledge from NIH Common Fund Programs (Lucas Sasaya)
11:05 AM ET
Geneshorts: Automatically Generated Short Videos about Human Genes Based on Knowledge Extracted from Common Fund Programs’ Datasets (Eric Lee)
11:15 AM ET
Imputing Missing Values for scRNA-seq with the ARCHS4 Expression Atlas (Sophie Gideon)
11:25 AM ET
Human and Mouse Transcriptional Regulatory Network Inferred from Applying ChEA3 to RummaGEO (Andrew Chung)
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Benchmarking GeneSetFormer: A Foundation Model for Gene Sets (Andrew Stein)
11:45 AM ET
Closing Remarks (Avi Ma’ayan PhD)