
A list of resources worth checking out, including those we have found helpful to our research.

Allen Institute Atlases,
A variety of extensive atlases for the developing and adult mouse and human brains. The atlases we use most frequently are the Allen Brain Reference Atlas, and the In-Situ Hybridization database.

iDisco Website,
Up-to-date protocols and resources for using the iDisco method for tissue clearing and immunolabeling. 

ClearMap & TubeMap Pipelines,
ClearMap is a software platform used to perform analysis of 3D mouse brain datasets obtained with iDISCO. TubeMap is a similar pipeline for performing brain vascular reconstruction.

MouseLight Neuron Browser,
Database of complete single-neuron reconstructions at sub-micron resolution from Janelia. Many of the brains used to produce this data were prepared in our lab.

Scalable Brain Atlas, 
Comparative atlases, useful for comparing gross brain architecture of mouse, rat, marmoset, macaque, human, etc.

Marmoset Brain Atlases,
PDF download available of commonly used Paxinos atlas,“The Marmoset Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates” 

A list of resources worth checking out, including those we have found helpful to our research.

Allen Institute Atlases,
A variety of extensive atlases for the developing and adult mouse and human brains. The atlases we use most frequently are the Allen Brain Reference Atlas, and the In-Situ Hybridization database.

iDisco Website,
Up-to-date protocols and resources for using the iDisco method for tissue clearing and immunolabeling. 

ClearMap & TubeMap Pipelines,
ClearMap is a software platform used to perform analysis of 3D mouse brain datasets obtained with iDISCO. TubeMap is a similar pipeline for performing brain vascular reconstruction.

MouseLight Neuron Browser,
Database of complete single-neuron reconstructions at sub-micron resolution from Janelia. Many of the brains used to produce this data were prepared in our lab.

Scalable Brain Atlas, 
Comparative atlases, useful for comparing gross brain architecture of mouse, rat, marmoset, macaque, human, etc.

Marmoset Brain Atlases,
PDF download available of commonly used Paxinos atlas,“The Marmoset Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates” 

Laboratory of Neural Systems, Structures and Genetics
Zhuhao Wu, PhD