Schneider-Lesser Foundation Fellowship for Junior Faculty – New Deadline: May 26, 2020, 5 PM |

The Dean’s Office is delighted to request applications for the Schneider-Lesser Foundation Junior Faculty Fellowship, which is intended to advance the chances of long term success for promising junior faculty in the Investigator or Clinician-Educator Tracks at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (ISMMS).

The Schneider Lesser Foundation Fellowship is intended to advance the progress of ongoing or new projects towards extramural funding. Four fellowships of $25,000 each will be awarded in 2020, which are not renewable. The deadline for applications is May 26, 2020. The intent of the award is to provide supplemental funding (excluding the PI’s salary) to advance the prospects for RO1 or equivalent funding for full time Assistant Professors within the first three years of their faculty appointment to the Investigator or Clinician-Educator Tracks (ie., appointed in 2017 or thereafter). The recipient should have demonstrated high impact research accomplishments and have strong potential for an independent scientific career. Awards are restricted to those who have not yet been awarded an RO1 or equivalent grant, but they may have a K grant or equivalent.

In order to apply, please send the following information as one PDF file to, Chair Committee on Special Awards (CoSA) no later than May 26, 2020, 5 PM:

1. Candidate’s curriculum vitae, including primary department(s) and date of appointment. Include links for a maximum of 4 of the candidate’s publications

2. Candidate’s statement of general research interests (maximum 1 page)

3. Title and Statement of Research Project for the next 1-2 years (maximum 2 pages, Including title of project and references)

4. A Lay Summary of 1 page or less describing the project

5. Letter of recommendation from the candidate’s Chair or Division Chief attesting to the likelihood of success and commitment to the candidate’s career.

6. Progress Reports will be required for funded projects 6 months and one year after receiving funding.