To request TCI-BSR services please complete the Cancer Institute Request for Services Form: Submit Request
Additional Required Fields for Grant Development | Description |
Grant Title | Provide the title of your grant. |
Principal Invesitagor | Provide the name of the grant’s primary investigator. |
Submission Due Date | Provide when the grant submission is due. |
Funding Agency | Provide the name of the funding agency of the grant for which you are applying. |
Proposed Start Date | Provide the proposed state date of the grant. |
Proposed End Date | Provide the proposed end date of the grant. |
%FTE to be budgeted for biostatistics support (valid entry: 0-100) | Provide the Full Time Equivalency percentage for biostatics support. |
Type of Grant (eg. R01, K-award, R21, etc.) | Provide the type of grant for which you are applying. |
*Annual Direct Cost | Provide the annual direct cost of the grant. |
We will respond to your inquiry within 5 business days. Each submission will be considered for only one project. If you have more projects, please submit separate request forms. Thank you.
What is the timeline for statistical service?
All your requests received through our service request form will be assigned to a TCI-BSR statistician within two business days. Once assigned, a statistician will respond to your inquiry within three business days to arrange for the first meeting. Timeline for the work to be done will be discussed in this meeting. For interventional investigator-initiated protocols, movement to PRMC requires approval from the ‘Biostatistics Design Workshop’ (BDW), a committee of all statisticians in the TCI-BSR that meets weekly on Thursdays from 2-3 pm. For grant applications, time for development of the statistical sections for a grant also ranges between 2-4 weeks depending on the readiness of the proposal in terms of having all information needed for writing the statistical sections.
Additional questions? Visit our FAQ Page
To request TCI-BSR services please complete the Cancer Institute Request for Services Form: Submit Request