Clinical Informatics

Given the diversity of scientific expertise and research within TCI, the TCI-BCI-SRF strives to provide support to a substantial number of projects, encompassing a broad research spectrum. With this in mind, the objective of TCI-BCI-SRF is to ensure availability of informatics specialists and data scientists with expertise in diverse types of cancer who will work with all data-focused entities at MSHS including the Scientific Computing and Data team, Mount Sinai Clinical Intelligence Center, the Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Health at Mount Sinai, the Clinical Data Science team, the Windreich Department of Artificial Intelligence and Human Health, andthe Charles T. Bronfman Institute for Personalized Medicine. In our collaborations, we also depend on the statistical methodologies.   

The TCI Clinical Informatics core supports clinical, translational, and basic science TCI investigators in:   

  1. Establishing a scientific and administrative structure that supports investigators from a broad background and creates a collegial environment.    
  2. Providing high-quality consultation in choice of appropriate database and data needs for each investigator asking a particular clinical question.
  3. Providing consult for grantsmanship starting from idea generation to submission of grant applications in the ‘Big Data’ space.
  4. Helping with innovative methods of data integration, machine learning methodologies for model building, evaluation and dissemination of digital tools. 
  5. Assisting with development and validation of predictive tools developed locally or nationally  
  6. Serving as ‘user-elected leader’ for an alliance group to:   
    • Manage access to applications and de-provisioning  
    • Assess on-going access needs   
    • Oversee cost allocation, payment processing and research progress reporting  
    • Serve as the point of contact for the data owner(s) and for operational compliance and support 
    • Provide training resources and guides for users  

Check out our Clinical Informatics poster from the Shared Resource Fair