
Here is a list of actively funded cancer grants supporting at least one of our statisticians.


Grant Title PI Program Date Range End Date Funded Statistician(s) Funding Agency Type
Evidence of Toxicant-associated Fatty Liver Disease in WTC Responders. Andrea Branch CPC 7/2021–6/2024 5/2024 Rowena Yip National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health/CDC U01
Clinical Center of Excellence Lung Cancer Screening Program Michael Crane   2/2016-4/2023 4/2023 Rowena Yip National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health  
Automated Interpretation of Low-Dose CT Screenings for Lung Cancer Claudia Henschke CPC 1/2023–12/2027 12/2027 Rowena Yip Simons Foundation International  
The Initiative for Early Lung Cancer Research on Treatment (IELCART) Claudia Henschke CPC 6/2019–5/2027 5/2027 Rowena Yip Simons Foundation International  
A Multi-Omic Predictive Model of Lung Cancer Risk. Claudia Henschke CPC 10/2023–12/2024 12/2024 Rowena Yip Veteran Affairs – Department of Energy  
High-Dimensional Immune Monitoring of NCI-Supported Immunotherapy Trials Sacha Gnjatic CI 07/30/2017-06/30/2023 6/30/2023 Seungjun Ahn/Madhu Mazumdar NIH U24
Investigation of anti-GM-CSF autoantibodies as a disease determinant in Crohn’s disease Sacha Gnjatic CI 07/01/2021-6/30/2023 6/30/2023 Seungjun Ahn Foundation Foundation
Statistical methods for studying cell-cell interactions using spatial transcriptomics for Alzheimer’s disease Xiaoyu Song ZY 2/1/2022-11/30/2023 11/30/2023 Jinmyung Choi/Xiaoyu Song NIH R03
Initiative for early lung cancer detection Claudia Henschke CPC 06/01/19-05/31/24 5/31/2024 Rowena Yip Simons Foundation Foundation
A Phase 1A/1B Study of Leflunomide for Patients with PTEN Null Solid Tumors Deborah Doroshow CI 7/1/2021-6/30/2024 6/30/2024 John Mandeli ASCO Cancer Foundation Foundation
A Fully Decentralized Federated Learning Framework for Automated Image Segmentation in Cancer Radiotherapy Yading Yuan CM 07/1/2021-06/30/2024 6/30/2024 Himanshu Joshi NIH R21
Phase II: An Automated Patient Chart Error Detection System for Radiation Therapy Yeh-Chi Lo CCI 07/01/2019-06/30/2024 6/30/2024 Madhu Mazumdar NIH R41
PTEN and Cancer Ramon Parsons CM 09/01/2019-08/31/2024 8/31/2024 Madhu Mazumdar NIH R35
Potentiating Checkpoint Blockade by Cross-Priming Tumor-Reactive T Cells with In Situ Vaccination Joshua Brody CCI 12/06/2019-11/30/2024 11/30/2024 John Mandeli NIH NCI
The Genomic and Transcriptomic Analysis of Mammographic Density Weiva Sieh CPC 12/01/2019-11/30/2024 11/30/2024 Xiaoyu Song NIH R01
DISRUPT: Diversity & Inclusion in Scientific Research Underpinning Prevention & Therapeutic Trials Nina Bickell CPC 5/1/2021-4/30/2025 4/30/2025 Parul Agarwal Stand Up To Cancer Foundation
Abbreviated MRI for HCC screening in cirrhotic patients Bachir A. Taouli CCI 06/19/2020-05/31/2025 5/31/2025 Bart Ferket/Himanhsu Joshi/Madhu Mazumdar NIH R01
Characterizing and predicting colitis in immune checkpoint blockade-treated cancer patients Sacha Gnjatic CI 6/1/2020-5/31/2025 5/31/2025 Seungjun Ahn NIH U01
Targeting SOX11 in Mantle Cell Lymphoma Samir Parekh CI 07/01/2020-06/30/2025 6/30/2025 Erin Moshier NIH R01
The AIDS Malignancy Consortium (AMC) Joseph Sparano CCI 08/29/2006-08/31/2025 8/31/2025



Assessment of supportive care and educational needs to guide quality care improvements among patients with metastatic bladder cancer Nihal Mohammed CPC 1/1/2023-11/30/2025 11/30/2025 Himanshu Joshi Pfizer Foundation
The Genomic Predictors of Prostate Cancer Survival Robert Klein CM 1/15/2021-12/31/2025 12/31/2025 Xiaoyu Song/Jinmyung Choi/Weijia Fu NIH R01
Investigating Macrophage Molecular and Functional Diversity in Tumor Immunity. Miriam Merad CI 2/1/2021-1/31/2026 1/31/2026 John Mandeli NIH R01
The Role of Implicit Bias on Outcomes of Patients with Advanced Solid Cancers Cardinale Smith CPC 04/05/2021-03/31/2026 3/31/2026 Lihua Li NIH R01
Characterization of Renal Allograft Fibrosis and Prediction of Outcome Using a Quantitative MRI Approach Sara C. Lewis CM 07/08/2021-04/30/2026 4/30/2026 Himanshu Joshi NIDDK R01
Investigating the Roles of Patient Beliefs, Stigma, and Physician Implicit Bias on Disparities in Lung Cancer Screening Minal Kale CPC 9/20/2021-5/31/2026 5/31/2026 Lihua Li NIH R01
Novel Functional Anatomic and Biomarker Indices of Radiation-Induced Female Sexual Toxicities in a Multi-Center Cohort Deborah Marshall CCI 9/1/2021-8/31/2026 8/31/2026 Himanshu Joshi NIH DP5
Targeting the immunosuppressive microenvironment of prostate cancer to enhance therapeutic efficacy of the immune checkpoint inhibitors Qin Yu CM 09/30/2023–09/29/2026 9/29/2026 Himanshu Joshi Department of Army DOD
Integrative genomic analysis to decode the spatial context for high-grade serous ovarian cancer Pei Wang CCI 02/01/2022-01/31/2027 1/31/2027 Xiaoyu Song/Weijia Fu NIH R01
DiSRUPT: Dismantling Structural Racism Underlying the Organization of Ambulatory PracTices: an observational study of clinical desegregation Nina Bickell CPC 6/19/2022-2/28/2027 2/28/2027 Parul Agarwal NIH R01
Modeling Best Approaches for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Cancer Survivors Juan P Wisnvesky CPC 1/1/2023-12/31/2027 12/31/2027 Bart Ferket NIH R01
Dissecting the drivers of persistent SARS-CoV-2 infections Harm Van Bakel CM 8/1/2023-7/31/2028 7/31/2028 Erin Moshier NIH R01
Promoting natural killer cell-driven tumor immunity by CD16a-targeted antibody inhibitory of cleavage Lucas Ferrari De Andrade CM 09/01/2023-08/31/2028 8/31/2028 Xiaoyu Song NIH R01
The Mitochondrial Unfolded Protein Response Impacts Melanoma from Initiation to Patient Prognosis Jerry Edward Chipuk CM 06/01/2022-05/31/2025 5/31/2025 Himanshu Joshi Department of Army DOD
Plexin-B2 Function in Glioma Invasion Roland Horst Friedel CM 07/01/2021-06/30/2026 6/30/2026 Himanshu Joshi NIH R01