Principal Investigator

Brian M. Sweis, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor
Departments of Psychiatry & Neuroscience

Director for Neuroeconomics
Centers for Computational Psychiatry & Affective Neuroscience

Assistant Training Director for Research
Psychiatry Residency Program

Friedman Brain Institute & Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai


Laboratory: Annenberg Building 22-38 (1468 Madison Ave, NY, NY 10029)

Office: Annenberg Building 22-24d (1468 Madison Ave, NY, NY 10029)


Brian completed a dual bachelors of science in biology with a minor in neuroscience and bachelors of arts in psychology with a minor in philosophy at Loyola University Chicago (2008-2012). He earned two separate senior honors theses in biology in the laboratory of Dr. Louis Lucas and in psychology in the laboratory of Dr. Robert Morrison studying behavioral neuroscience across species in rodents and humans.

Brian then completed his dual MD/PhD training at the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities in their Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP, 2012-2020). He earned his PhD in neuroscience co-mentored by Drs. Mark Thomas and David Redish studying complex decision-making processes by applying principles in neuroeconomics across species. Brian’s graduate work was funded by the MnDRIVE Neuromodulation Fellowship as well as an F30 NRSA from NIDA and received three separate best PhD awards including from the University of Minnesota, the National Council of Graduate Studies, and the Society for Neuroscience’s Donald B. Lindsley Prize in behavioral neuroscience, as well as being named on the Forbes 30 Under 30 List in science.

Brian then completed his psychiatry residency training on the physician-scientist research track at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City (2020-2024) during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, where he also served as Chief Resident for research. Brian was mentored by Drs. Eric Nestler, Scott Russo, Denise Cai, and Helen Mayberg where he was able to engage in research concurrent with his clinical duties to build his own independent research platform. His work during residency received numerous grants and awards including NIMH Outstanding Resident Award, NIA Rising Star, Leon Levy Scholarship in Neuroscience from the New York Academy of Sciences, and Paper of the Year by the Society for Neuroeconomics. Brian became the first in Mount Sinai’s history to receive the Burroughs Wellcome Fund Career Award for Medical Scientists which allowed him to bypass traditional K-award training pathways and became the first resident in psychiatry to earn an R01 (NIMH BRAINS Award) prior to graduating.

In 2024, Brian became a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Neuroscience where he is growing his lab in parallel with his clinical and teaching activities. Brian also stepped into the role of Director of Neuroeconomics in the Centers for Computational Psychiatry and Affective Neuroscience to promote cross-species translational research in decision neuroscience. He will also be serving as Assistant Training Director for Research in the Psychiatry Residency Program to help accelerate the path toward independence for physician-scientists.

Select Career Achievement Awards

2024                        NIMH Biobehavioral Research Awards for Innovative New Scientists R01 Award, R01MH136230

2024                        Animal Models for the Social Dimensions of Health and Aging Research Network Award, R24AG065172

2024                        Nina Schooler Early Career Research Award, American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology

2024                        Paper of the Year, Society for Neuroeconomics, Durand-de Cuttoli…Sweis 2022 Science Advances

2024                        NIMH LRP, L40MH127601-03

2023                        Rising Star, National Institutes of Health, NIA & American Geriatric Society, R13 Bench To Bedside

2023                        Career Award for Medical Scientists, Burroughs Wellcome Fund

2023                        Leon Levy Scholarship in Neuroscience, New York Academy of Sciences

2023                        Animal Models for the Social Dimensions of Health and Aging Research Network Award, R24AG065172

2023                        American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology New Investigator Award

2023                        American Psychiatric Association Research Award for Junior Psychiatrist Investigators

2023                        Career Development Institute in Psychiatry Research Award, Class of 2023

2023                        Alies Muskin Career Development Leadership Program Research Track Award from the ADAA

2023                        NIMH LRP, L40MH127601-02

2022                        NIMH Outstanding Resident Award Program in Psychiatry

2022                        NIMH Supplement for MD/PhD Physician-Scientist Residents, 3R01MH051399-31S1

2021                        NIMH LRP, L40MH127601-01

2019                        Forbes 30 Under 30 in Science

2019                        Best National Dissertation Award in the Biological and Life Sciences, Washington, D.C.

2019                        SfN Donald B. Lindsley Prize for outstanding international dissertation in behavioral neuroscience

2019                        Best Dissertation Award in the Biological and Life Sciences at the University of Minnesota

2018                        Clinical and Translational Science Institute Fellowship Award, NIH NCATS UL1TR002494

2017                        NIDA F30 Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award, F30DA043326

2016                        MnDRIVE Neuromodulation Fellowship Award

2015                        MnDRIVE Neuromodulation Fellowship Award

2010                        Carbon Translational Research Fellowship Award