
Mount Sinai Center for Therapeutics Discovery

Mission: To discover innovative small-molecule therapeutics for the treatment of cancers and brain disorders via collaboration with investigators and clinicians.


Jian Jin, PhD.
Mount Sinai Endowed Professor in Therapeutics Discovery

Director, Mount Sinai Center for Therapeutics Discovery
Professor with tenure, Departments of Pharmacological Sciences, Oncological Sciences and Neuroscience
Co-Leader, Cancer Clinical Investigation Program, Tisch Cancer Institute

Dr. Jian Jin is currently the Mount Sinai Endowed Professor in Therapeutics Discovery and Director of the Mount Sinai Center for Therapeutics Discovery at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (Mount Sinai). He is also a tenured professor in Departments of Pharmacological Sciences, Oncological Sciences and Neuroscience, and a Co-Leader of the Cancer Clinical Investigation Program at The Tisch Cancer Institute at Mount Sinai.

Dr. Jin is an internationally recognized medicinal chemist and chemical biologist with >25 years of experience in small-molecule drug discovery. His laboratory is a leader in discovering novel degraders targeting oncoproteins, selective inhibitors of histone methyltransferases, and biased ligands of G protein-coupled receptors. Dr. Jin was an Associate Professor in the Division of Chemical Biology and Medicinal Chemistry at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) and Associate Director of Medicinal Chemistry in the Center for Integrative Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery at UNC from 2008 to 2014.

Dr. Jin was recruited to Mount Sinai as a professor with tenure in 2014. Dr. Jin has published >250 peer-reviewed papers and delivered >100 invited talks. He is also an inventor of >80 issued U.S. patents and published international patent applications. In particular, Dr. Jin is one of several inventors of Daprodustat, a hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) prolyl hydroxylase small-molecule inhibitor, which has been approved in the U.S. and Japan as an oral medication for the treatment of anemia caused by chronic kidney disease. Dr. Jin has been inducted to the National Academy of Inventors (NAI) as an NAI Fellow . As the Director of the Mount Sinai Center for Therapeutics Discovery, Dr. Jin is leading research efforts to discover innovative therapeutics for the treatment of human diseases including cancer and brain disorders. Jin Lab Webpage

Associate Directors:

Michael Lazarus is an Associate Professor in the department of Pharmacological Sciences. His lab uses structural biology and chemical biology to study enzymes involved in proteostasis and metabolism in a range of human diseases from cancer to inborn errors of metabolism. His lab uses x-ray crystallography, cryo-EM, and chemical biology to identify and characterize chemical probes targeting enzymes in these pathways.

Michael Lazarus, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacological Sciences

LazaruslLab Webpage




Avner Schlessinger, PhD.
Professor, Department of Pharmacological Sciences
Schlessinger Lab Webpage





Daniel Wacker, PhD.
Professor, Department of Pharmacological Sciences
Professor, Department of Neuroscience
Wacker Lab Webpage




Ümit Kaniskan, PhD.
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacological Sciences





Assistant Directors:

Yan Xiong, PhD.
Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacological Sciences