Current Grant Funding


Modeling Best Approaches for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Cancer Survivors
Funded by NIH – R01CA271604
MPI(s): Wisnivesky/Kong/Lin

The goal of this proposal is to identify optimal strategies for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease for survivors of breast, prostate and lung cancer by developing and validating a novel Integrated Multi-Ethnic Cancer model to incorporate the development, progression, and outcomes of cardiovascular disease among a diverse population of breast, prostate and lung cancer survivors.

Optimizing Lung Cancer Screening in Cancer Survivors
Funded by NIH/NCI – R01CA264995
MPI(s): Wisnivesky/Kong/Lin

The objective of this study is to optimize the treatment of lung cancer among breast, colorectal and prostate cancer survivors. To do this, we will use the Lung Cancer Policy Model to perform comparative effective simulation analyses tailored to survivors of these cancers. Our results will identify the optimal lung cancer management, in terms of reducing treatment complications and maximizing survival and quality of life, for cancer survivors.

Optimizing Lung Cancer Screening Nodule Evaluation
Funded by NIH/NCI – R01CA260889
MPI(s): Kong/Sigel/Wisnivesky/

The objective of this study is to improve the performance of lung cancer screening by optimizing the management of screen-detected pulmonary nodules. To do this, we will develop a simulation model, the MultiRacial and Ethnic Lung Cancer Model, to perform comparative effectiveness and cost effectiveness analyses to identify optimal nodule management algorithm(s). Our results will reduce harms from false-positive findings and maximize benefits from lung cancer early cancer detection by computed tomography screening.

Training Program in Cancer Prevention and Control for Priority Populations
Funded by NHLBI – T32CA225617
MPI(s): Wisnivesky/Montgomery

Research in cancer prevention and control is a key to combat both the incidence of and suffering associated with cancer, particularly among ‘priority’ populations such as racial/ethnic minorities, low-income, and the elderly. We propose to establish a multidisciplinary postdoctoral research training program in cancer prevention and control, with emphasis on these populations.

Optimizing Biomarker Based Strategies for Lung Cancer Screening
Funded by LUNGevity Foundation/University of Pennsylvania – 2021-13 583715
MPI(s): Vachani/Wisnivesky

The overall goal of the proposal is to determine the optimal strategies of integrating biomarker tests into lung cancer screening.

Respiratory Diseases


Impact of Exacerbations on Lung Function (IMPEX) and Natural Course of Progression in Asthma Patients – an Observational Recontact Study
Funded by Sanofi
PI(s): Wisnivesky

This observational study will prospectively assess asthma patients over a period of one-year to assess outcomes such as FEV1, biomarkers, health-care resource use, comorbidities.

Depression in Older Asthmatics: Understanding Inflammatory and Behavioral Pathways
Funded by NHLBI/NIH – R01HL142749
MPI(s): Wisnivesky/Busse/Feldman

Major depression is highly prevalent among older asthmatics, particularly in minorities, and is associated with increased asthma morbidity. The overall objective of this study is to investigate the biologic and behavioral pathways linking depression with asthma self-management behaviors and outcomes.

Childhood Asthma in Urban Settings
Funded by NIH/NIAID – U01AI160082
MPI(s): Busse/Wisnivesky/Bunyavanich

The overall objective of this study is to provide the NIAID Childhood Asthma in Urban Settings Clinical Research Network Center (CAUSE) with a highly developed and experienced Clinical Research Center (CRC) at the Mount Sinai Health Care System. The project proposes two Center-studies, the findings of which will guide interventions to improve outcomes: how the co-morbidities of atopic dermatitis (Project 1) and obesity (Project 2) worsen asthma control in an urban pediatric population.

Childhood Asthma in Urban Settings Leadership
Funded by NIH/NIAD/University of Wisconsin – U01AI160040
MPI(s): Busse/Wisnivesky/Bunyavanich

The overall objective of this study is to provide the NIAID Childhood Asthma in Urban Settings Clinical Research Network Center (CAUSE) with a highly developed and experienced Clinical Research Center (CRC) at the Mount Sinai Health Care System. The project proposes two Center-studies, the findings of which will guide interventions to improve outcomes: how the co-morbidities of atopic dermatitis (Project 1) and obesity (Project 2) worsen asthma control in an urban pediatric population.


PREVAIL: PRagmatic EVAluation of a quality Improvement program for people Living with modifiable high-risk COPD
Funded by DARTNet Institute – Astrazeneca/Observational and Pragmatic Research International
MPI(s): Wisnivesky/Federman

The primary objectives of this trial are: 1) To evaluate the effectiveness of the CONQUEST program on the annual rate of moderate or severe COPD exacerbations, 2) To evaluate the effectiveness of the CNQUEST program on the annual rate of major adverse cardiac or respiratory events.



Primary care-integrated Long COVID care to improve outcomes for minoritized adults in New York City
Funded by AHRQ – U18HS029945
MPI(s): Wisnivesky/Chen/Federman

We propose a Long COVID specialty practice integrated in a Mount Sinai primary care practice in East Harlem that will engage socioeconomically disadvantaged patients through partnership with community-based service providers and deliver comprehensive, up to date, highly coordinated and patient-centered multidisciplinary Long COVID care. We will then extend access to this high-quality care to more communities by equipping other primary care practices with the requisite tools, resources and training.


The Mount Sinai PASC Coalition RECOVER Phase II Adult Cohort Study
Funded by NIH/NYU – OT2HL161847
MPI(s): Charney/Wisnivesky/Kovatch/Merad/Nadkarni

This study aims to characterize the incidence and prevalence of sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection, characterize the spectrum of clinical symptoms, subclinical organ dysfunction, natural history, and distinct phenotypes identified as sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection, and define the biological mechanisms underlying pathogenesis of the sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection.

RECOVER-NEURO: NHLBI RECOVER Clinical Trials Data Coordinating Center Initiative
Funded by NHLBI – HL156812
Mount Sinai MPI(s): Wisnivesky/Federman/Becker

The objective of the prospective, multi-center, multi-arm, randomized, controlled trial is to evaluate treatment of PASC-mediated cognitive decline in outpatients previously infected with SARS-CoV-2.


Alzheimer’s Disease Related Dementias

Natural Language Processing and Automated Speech Analysis to Identify Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment
Funded by NIH/NIA – R01AG066471
MPI(s): Federman/Wisnivesky

The ability to identify patients with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease Related Dementias is limited. This project will apply machine learning to natural language processing of electronic health record data and automated speech analysis of patient-doctor conversations during primary care visits to identify patients with MCI and ADRD in automatic and scalable procedures.