Connections with Other Shared Resources

Discover how we partner with other TCI shared resources.


Example project with CGT: ​

Collaborators: Petralia (BSR) and Sebra (CGT​)
Develop a flexible Bayesian algorithm for the deconvolution of Bulk Tumor Data

Example project with Microscopy and Advanced Bioimaging:

Collaborators: Bedirian/Mazumdar (BSR) and
Kumar/Tzavaras/Benson (Microscopy and Advanced Bioimaging)​
Making ClearMap2, an open-source, python-based program user friendly ​

Example projects with Bioinformatics for Next Generation Sequencing (BiNGS): ​

Collaborators: Tomalin (BSR) and Hasson (BINGS​)
Development of a reproducible analysis pipeline for Spatial Omics