RADIEMS Cohort Study

The Reserve against Disability in Early MS (RADIEMS) cohort study is an NIH-funded prospective study of risk and protective factors related to disease and disability progression in persons with early relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (MS), with a focus on cognitive function (R01 HD082176, PI: Sumowski). One principal goal is to identify modifiable protective factors that can help persons with MS preserve function and quality of life. Our working model of reserve seeks to identify modifiable factors linked to differential functional outcomes, understand their biological mechanisms of action, and translate findings to clinical care. This large project is made possible by the time and effort of our participants with MS, our talented and committed collaborators in the Corinne Goldsmith Dickinson Center for MS at Mount Sinai, and other expert collaborators inside and outside of Mount Sinai.


RADIEMS Publications:

Katz Sand IB, Fitzgerald KC, Brandstadter R, Riley CS, Buyukturkoglu K, Leavitt VM, Krieger S, Miller A, Lublin F, Klineova S, Fabian M, Sumowski JF. Dietary factors and MRI metrics in early multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler Relat Disord 2021; 53: 103031. PMID: 34077830. 

Sumowski JF, Horng S, Brandstadter R, Krieger S, Leavitt VM, Katz Sand I, Fabian M, Klineova S, Graney R, Riley CS, Lublin FD, Miller AE, Varga A. Sleep disturbance and memory dysfunction in early multiple sclerosis. Ann Clin Transl Neurol; Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33951348.

Sandry J, Simonet DV, Brandstadter R, Krieger S, Katz Sand I, Graney R, Buchanan AV, Lall S, Sumowski JF. The Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT) is sensitive but non-specific in MS: Lexical access speed, memory, and information processing speed independently contribute to SDMT performance. Mult Scler Relat Disord. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33887609.

Glukhovsky L, Kurz D, Brandstadter R, Leavitt VM, Krieger S, Fabian M, Katz Sand I, Klineova S, Riley CS, Lublin FD, Miller AE, Sumowski JF. Depression and cognitive function in early multiple sclerosis: Multitasking is more sensitive than traditional assessments. Mult Scler; Epub Ahead of Print. PMID: 33196404.

Glukhovsky L, Brandstadter R, Leavitt VM, Krieger S, Buyukturkoglu K, Fabian M, Katz Sand I, Klineova S, Riley CS, Lublin FD, Miller AE, Sumowski JF. Hippocampal volume is more related to patient-reported memory than objective memory performance in early multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler 2021; 27: 568-578. PMID: 32567468.

Buyukturkoglu K, Zeng D, Bharadwaj S, Tozlu C, Mormina E, Igwe KC, Lee S, Habeck C, Brickman AM, Riley CS, De Jager PL, Sumowski JF, Leavitt VM. Mult Scler 2021; 27: 107-116. PMID: 33146069.

Brandstadter R, Ayeni O, Krieger S, Harel NY, Escalon MX, Katz Sand I, Leavitt VM, Fabian MT, Buyukturkoglu K, Klineova S, Riley CS, Lublin FD, Miller AE, Sumowski JF. Detection of subtle gait disturbance and future fall risk in early multiple sclerosis. Neurology 2020; 94: e1395-e1406 PMID: 32102980.

Brandstadter R, Fabian MT, Leavitt VM, Krieger S, Yeshokumar A, Katz Sand I, Klineova S, Riley CS, Lewis C, Pelle G, Lublin FD, Miller AE, Sumowski JF. Word-finding difficulty is a prevalent disease-related deficit in early multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler 2020; 26: 1752-1764. PMID: 31741430.

Klineova S, Brandstadter R, Fabian MT, Katz Sand I, Krieger S, Leavitt VM, Lewis C, Riley CS, Lublin F, Miller AE, Sumowski JF. Psychological resilience is linked to motor strength and gait endurance in early multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler 2020; 26: 1111-1120. PMID: 31172846

Leavitt VM, Brandstadter R, Fabian M, Katz Sand I, Klineova S, Krieger A, Lewis C, Lublin F, Miller A, Pelle G, Buyukturkoglu K, De Jager PL, Li P, Riley CS, Tsapanou A, Sumowski JF. Dissociable cognitive patterns related to depression and anxiety in multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler 2020; 26: 1247-1255. PMID: 1233379

Brandstadter R, Katz Sand I, Sumowski JF. Beyond rehabilitation: A prevention model of reserve and brain maintenance in multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler 2019;25:1372-1378.  PMID: 31469354.