Useful Sites:
Lab ELN: An electronic lab notebook for the Sahoo Lab
Mount Sinai PEAK: A portal for the required core curriculum mandatory for Mount Sinai employees
Sinai Central: A portal for Mount Sinai employees
NIH: The nation’s medical research agency, supporting scientific studies that turn discovery into health
ISEV: The International Society For Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV) is a professional society of researchers and scientists of exosomes and microvesicles.
Nature: The Nature research journals publish primary research, reviews, critical comments, news, and analyses.
ERCC: Extracellular RNA research, resources, projects, etc
Useful Videos:
Exosomes and exRNA: Modulating Cellular Transcriptome and Regeneration
Unlocking the Mysteries of Extracellular RNA Communication
Exosomes and Cardiovascular Function
Susmita Sahoo–Early Career Investigator Award Winner BCVS 2013