Our Research. Check out our work!
The central focus of our research is to build a rigorous mechanistic understanding of mammalian brain development, with an eye towards uncovering the underpinnings of neuropsychiatric disorders of developmental origin.
In the Panagiotakos lab, we study how electrical activity and calcium signaling regulate the generation of distinct types of cells during normal development of the mammalian brain. We employ a variety of approaches to explore how immature, undifferentiated neural progenitor cells integrate intrinsic and extrinsic signals to commit to specific neural fates, such as the different types of excitatory cells inhabiting the cerebral cortex. We are also interested in understanding how activity-regulated developmental mechanisms may be reactivated in the context of adult neurological disorders and the development of brain tumors.
To read more about our research, see our publications.
Our Team. Play together, win together.
Insert requisite cheesy teamwork phrase highlighting our collective awesomeness..
We are a diverse group of scientists committed to conducting rigorous cutting-edge science in an intellectually stimulating environment fueled by collaboration, hard work, curiosity and inclusion.
Join our team!
For a supportive environment that values scientific rigor, honesty, collegiality, mentorship, and inclusion, and a team that is impossibly enthusiastic about mechanistically dissecting brain development and disease, check out our lab (and the coolest canine mascot)!
Graduate Students
If you are a graduate student at Mount Sinai looking for a lab, please email Georgia to set up a meeting to discuss a potential rotation.
If you are interested in applying to the graduate programs at Mount Sinai, follow this link for additional information.
Postdoctoral Fellows
We are looking for self-motivated, enthusiastic candidates with a deep interest in ion channels, calcium-dependent developmental mechanisms, and/or neuropsychiatric conditions of developmental origin, as well as a desire to contribute to a culture that fosters mentorship and learning, to join our lab as post-doctoral fellows.
Research Technicians/Associates
If you have a background in developmental biology, molecular biology, bioinformatics, and/or neuroscience and are looking to gain research experience before pursuing further career development (e.g., graduate, medical, or MD/PhD training), we want to hear from you! We are committed to providing a mentorship-focused research environment that will help prepare individuals for future careers in medicine and research.