Current Grants

National Cancer Institute, Enhancing the public health benefits of mammography screening by informing women of both breast cancer and breast arterial calcification results: A randomized trial to promote cardiovascular health, R01 CA251754

The primary goals of this study are to investigate the effects of informing patients about their BAC results (versus a Waitlist Control) on their cardiovascular health behaviors (attending a cardiovascular appointment, improving heart healthy behavior) and on their likelihood of receiving a diagnosis of coronary artery disease.

National Cancer Institute, Training clinical providers in evidence-based hypnosis for cancer pain management, R25 CA248462

We will be enrolling trainees for this training/education program in 2021. For updates, check the course’s website at

National Cancer Institute, Training cancer care providers to implement sensitive practice guidelines when treating adult survivors of sexual violence, R25 CA236636

We are currently enrolling trainees for this training/educational program. If you are interested in participating, please visit for more information.