

Bohm Myriam., Parekh M., Deshpande N., Cheung Q., Shatz N, Kumar V., Jurkunas U., Mitochondria-Targeted Antioxidant (MitoQ) and Nontargeted Antioxidant (Idebenone) Mitigate Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Corneal Endothelial Cells. Cornea 2025, Jan 17; PMID: 39819808.



Kasi A., Steidl Will., Kumar V., Endoplasmic Reticulum-Mitochondria Crosstalk in Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy: Current Status and Future Prospects. Int J Mol Sci 2025, Jan 17;

Qureshi s., Lee s., Ritzer L., Kim S., Steidl W., Krest G., Kasi A, Kumar V., ATF4 regulates mitochondrial dysfunction, mitophagy, and autophagy, contributing to corneal endothelial apoptosis under chronic ER stress in Fuchs’ dystrophy. BioRxiv 2024, Nov 15; PMID: 39569143.




Kumar V., Deshpande N., Parekh M., Wong R., Ashraf S., Zahid M., Hui H., Miall A., Kimpton S., Price M., Price F., Gonzalez F., Rogan E., Jurkunas U., Estrogen toxicity causes preferential development of Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy in females. Redox Biol 2024, Feb 1; PMID: 38091879.



Qureshi s., Lee s., Ritzer L., Kim S., Steidl W., Krest G., Kasi A, Kumar V., ATF4 regulates mitochondrial dysfunction, mitophagy, and autophagy, contributing to corneal endothelial apoptosis under chronic ER stress in Fuchs’ dystrophy. BioRxiv 2024, Nov 15; PMID: 39569143.




Qureshi s., Lee s., Steidl W., Ritzer L., Parise M., Chaubal A., Kumar V., Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Disrupts Mitochondrial Bioenergetics, Dynamics and Causes Corneal Endothelial Cell Apoptosis. IOVS 2023, Nov 1; PMID: 37962528.




White TL., Deshpande., Kumar V., Gauthier., Jurkunas UV., Cell cycle re-entry and arrest in G2/M phase   induces senescence and fibrosis in Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 2021, Jan 6; PMID: 33418109.


Kumar V., Jurkunas UV., Mitochondrial Dysfunctional and Mitophagy in Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy. Cells 2021 Jul 26; 10 (8);1888; PMID: 3440658.


Kumar V., Mesentier-Louro LA, Shariati MA., Goldberg JL., Liao YJ., Dual specific phosphatase 14 deletion rescues retinal ganglion cells and optic nerve axons after experimental anterior ischemic optic neuropathy, Current Eye Research, 2021 Oct 27; PMID: 33107352.


Liu C., Miyajima T., Melangath G., Miyai T., Vasanth S., Zahid M., Deshpande N., Kumar V., OngTone S., ZhuS.,Vojnovic D., Chen Y., Rogan E., Jurkunas UV. Ultraviolet-A light induces DNA damage and estrogen-DNA adducts in Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy: Why Females are more affected. Proc Natl Acad Sci. U SA. 2020 Jan 7;117(1):573-583. PubMed PMID: 31852820.

Messentier-Louro LA., Sharaiti MA., Dalal R., Carmargo A., Kumar V., Shamskhou EA., Liao YJ., Short-termhypoxia led to rapid loss of optic nerve oligodendrocytes and differential neuronal and glial responseS Exp Eye Res. 2020 Feb 4:193:107957 PMID: 32032627. 


Kumar V., Weng YC., Wu YC., Huang YT., Liu TH., Kristian T., Liu YL., Tsou HH., Chou WH. Genetic inhibition of PKC attenuates neurodegeneration after global cerebral ischemic in male mice. J Neurosci Res. 2019 Apr;97(4):444-455. PubMed PMID: 30488977.


Kumar V., Mesentier Louro LA., Oh AJ., Heng K., Shariati MA., Huang H., Hu Y., Liao YJ. Increased ER stress after Experimental Ischemic Optic Neuropathy and Improved RGC and Oligodendrocyte Survival after Treatment with Chemical Chaperon. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2019 May 1;60(6):1953-1966. PubMed PMID: 31060051.


Kumar V., Endoplasmic Reticulum-Mitochondrial Crosstalk in Neurodegenerative and Eye Diseases. Neurology (ECronicon). 2019 Sep;11(9):864-873. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6746603.


Miyai T, Vasanth S, Melangath G, Deshpande N, Kumar V, Benischke AS, Chen Y, Price MO, Price FW Jr, Jurkunas UV. Activation of PINK1-Parkin-Mediated Mitophagy Degrades Mitochondrial Quality Control Proteins in Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy. Am J Pathol. 2019 Jun27, Pubmed PMID: 31361992.


Miyajima T., Melangath G., Zhu S., Deshpande N., Vasanth S., Mondal B., Kumar V., Chen Y., Price FW Jr., Rogan E., Zahid Muhammad. Loss of NQO1 generates genotoxic estrogen-DNA adducts in Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy. Free Radic Biol Med. 2019 Dec 17;147:69-79. PubMed PMID: 31857234.


Kumar V., Eye is the Window to Brain Pathology. Curr Adv Ophthalmol. 2018 Aug;1(1):3-4. PubMed PMID: 31123726


Ali Shariati M., Kumar V., Yang T., Chakraborty C., Barres BA., Longo FM., Liao YJ. A Small Molecule TrkB Neurotrophin Receptor Partial Agonist as Possible Treatment for Experimental Nonarteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy. Curr Eye Res. 2018 Dec;43(12):1489-1499. PubMed PMID: 30273053


Kumar V., Weng YC., Wu YC., Huang YT., Chou WH. PKC phosphorylation regulates the mitochondrial translocation of ATF2 in ischemia-induced neurodegeneration. BMC Neurosci. 2018 Nov 29;19(1):76. PubMed PMID: 30497386.


Kumar V., Understanding Retinal Changes After Stroke. Open J Ophthalmol. 2017 Nov;7(4):281-292. PubMed PMID: 30956896


Kumar V., Weng Y-C., Geldenhuys WJ., Wang D., Han X., Messing RO., Chou WH. Generation and characterization of ATP Analog-Specific Protein Kinase C delta. J Biol Chem. 2015 Jan 23;290(4):1936-51. PubMed PMID: 25505183.


Chou WH., Wang G., Kumar V., Weng YC. Lipocalin 2 in Stroke. Neuro. 2015 Aug;2(1):38-41. PubMed PMID: 30542675

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