Career Opportunities

Research Assistant:

We are looking to hire a research assistant to help set up our new lab and advance our experimental efforts in May-June, 2023. Candidates with an undergraduate degree in biology with some essential biology bench work experiences are encouraged to apply. Please enquire with a CV and the list of three referees at my email

Medical Students:

Medial students at Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai, interested in getting experience in ophthalmology and pharmacological sciences, can write me by email.

Graduate Student:

Prospective graduate students interested in doing a Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences (Pharmacology and Therapeutics Discovery) are encouraged to apply for the Ph.D. program at Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai. If selected, they can rotate in my lab and then subsequently join.

Contact Us

1468 Madison Avenue
Annenberg Building, 22nd  Floor, Room n0- A22-092A
New York, NY, 10029

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