Finn Fox
Research Coordinator
James J. Peters VA Medical Center
(718) 584-9000 ext 3128
Finn is a research coordinator holding a Bachelor’s of the Arts degree with a major in Neuroscience and minor in Ethics from Smith College. At the JJPVAMC, Finn primarily works in the Cardiovascular-Autonomic program under Dr. Jill Wecht, but also collaborates with the Neurorehabilitation team headed by Dr. Noam Harel. Prior research experience includes two years as an undergraduate research assistant in the Violence and Trauma Across the Lifespan (ViTAL) laboratory located at University of Massachusetts Amherst. This laboratory focuses on the variety of impacts intimate partner and/or domestic violence can have on both the victim and the victim’s child/ren. Finn worked primarily on recruitment for a study on substance use and abuse among recent survivors of intimate partner abuse aged 18-25 and recruitment for a study focusing on the effects of domestic violence on the survivor parent-child dyad in early toddlerhood. Working with these vulnerable populations has given invaluable experience working with human participants in sensitive research. Finn is eager to apply these skills at the JJPVAMC and learn the specific nuances of working with veterans and those with spinal cord injuries.