Welcome to the Cho Spine Lab

Welcome! The Samuel Cho Spine Lab represents a coalition of surgeons, fellows, residents, and students who are dedicated to advancing the knowledge and care of patients who suffer from spinal ailments and undergo spinal surgery. Led by the renowned surgeon and researcher, Dr. Samuel K. Cho, our mission is to improve the quality of care for our patients. We achieve this through the scientific analysis of radiographic, perioperative, and clinical data in order to develop algorithms and methods that influence surgical strategies and patient-centered treatments to achieve optimal outcomes.

With the advent of digital technology, machine learning and artificial intelligence are increasingly making it possible to utilize big data to more precisely risk stratify and prognosticate how an individual patient will behave given a disease or intervention. To that end, our lab is utilizing the state-of-the art practices in machine learning to train models to predict high-risk patients that are likely to develop post-surgical complications, to help guide practitioners in surgical risk management and care, and to develop methods that can successfully prevent adverse events or effectively treat patients should such an event occur. We believe that our endeavors can achieve more safe and effective spinal surgery and ultimately improve patient outcomes.

Samuel K. Cho, M.D(plu.mx)
Chief, Spine Surgery at Mount Sinai West
Director, Spine Surgery Fellowship at the Mount Sinai Health System
Professor, Department of Orthopedic Surgery
Professor, Department of Neurosurgery
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Email: samuel.cho@mountsinai.org


787 11th Avenue, 7th Fl
The Spine Center at Mount Sinai West
New York, NY 10019
Office: (877) 636-7846
Fax: 212-636-3102

Dr. Cho at AAOS