
1. Investigating merlin, Hippo, and CD44 signaling pathways in human cancer and targeting the effectors of the signaling pathways that play the key role in the cancer progression and therapeutic responses in human glioblastoma, prostate cancer, and melanoma.

2. To determine the roles of angiopoietins and its derivatives in tumor angiogenesis and progression and the mechanisms underlying the angiopoietin bioactivities and target the angiopoietin-Tie2 functional axis in human ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, and glioblastoma.

3. To determine the effects of ADAMTSs (A Disintegrin and Metalloproteinase with ThromboSpondin motifs) and ADAMs (A Disintegrin and Metalloproteinases) on the cancer progression and therapeutic responses, establish the key substrates of ADAMTSs/ADAMs that mediate their pro-cancer effects, and develop agents that target ADAMs/ADAMTSs in human lung cancer and prostate cancer.