About Us

The Waters Lab, housed within the Nash Family Center for Advanced Circuit Therapeutics, specializes in non-invasive human brain electrophysiologyand psychophysiological measures.  As a core facility of the Center, we focus on pioneering integration of behavioral medicine and neuromodulation to improve treatments like deep brain stimulation for psychiatric and neurological disorders.  Our research is particularly centered on interoception—the brain’s perception of the state of the body.  We explore how this insight can alleviate physical distress and associated maladaptive behaviors, such as compulsive actions in OCD or tics in Tourette Syndrome. 

We are also proud to collaborate with industry partners, enabling our patients to access the latest biotechnologies.  Our partnerships give patients access to the latest neurotechnology-enhanced strategies for behavior change, and an opportunity to participate in the advancement of forward-looking intervention research.

Visit Our Laboratory

Join us in the lab for a journey into the workings of your brain!  When you participate in one of our studies, you’ll wear a noninvasive electrode sensor net to record your brainwaves.  We’ll start with a brief orientation and consent process, then fit you with the sensors.  Then, you’ll complete simple tasks while we monitor your brain activity.  We’re excited to show you your brainwaves in real time!