Tankou Laboratory

Tankou Laboratory

Laboratory of the Gut Brain Axis in CNS Autoimmunity


Dr. Tankou’s lab is investigating the role of the gut microbiome in patients with multiple sclerosis and its mouse model called EAE. The primary goals of our research are to identify gut derived bacteria that regulate immune function of astrocytes and microglia, to elucidate mechanisms by which the gut microbiota regulates gut intestinal permeability and blood brain barrier permeability in EAE/MS, and to identify communities of gut derived bacteria that can be used for the treatment of multiple sclerosis.

Mining the microbiota to identify gut commensals modulating neuroinflammation in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis

The gut microbiome plays an important role in autoimmunity including multiple sclerosis and its mouse model called experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). Prior studies have demonstrated that the multiple sclerosis gut microbiota can contribute to disease, hence making it a potential therapeutic target. In addition, antibiotic treatment has been shown to ameliorate disease in the EAE mouse model of multiple sclerosis. Yet, to this date, the mechanisms mediating these antibiotic effects are not understood. Furthermore, there is no consensus on the gut-derived bacterial strains that drive neuroinflammation in multiple sclerosis. Click here for more. 



Contact Us

Laboratory of the Gut Brain Axis in CNS Autoimmunity
Stephanie Tankou, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Neurology

The Leon and Norma Hess Center for Science and Medicine
1470 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10029

Lab: 212.241.2845


Postdoctoral Fellow

We are looking for a postdoctoral fellow with a strong background in Neuroscience, neuroimmunology, molecular biology, mouse genetics and mouse handling. Individuals with expertise in basic biochemical techniques, RNA Sequencing, Astrocyte & Microglia biology, peripheral immune cells profiling, immune cells differentiation, FACS analysis, use of confocal and fluorescence microscopes are particularly encouraged to apply. Applicants should possess a Ph.D. and/or MD degree.

Please send a cover letter, curriculum vitae and the names, phone numbers and email addresses of three people who could provide letters of reference to stephanie.tankou@mssm.edu.