1. Populations at High-Risk of Pancreatic Cancer. Dr. Lucas has a strong interest in identification of populations at the highest risk of developing pancreatic cancer, and implementation of risk-based screening programs to diagnose pancreatic neoplasia at a treatable phase with the goal of improving disease morbidity and mortality. This body of work includes: 1) research in high-risk populations without cancer; 2) analyses of patients with pancreatic cancer to identify genetic risk factors; and 3) development of a pancreatic cancer research screening program at a large hospital system in New York City.
2. Risk Factors for Pancreatic Cancer. Dr. Lucas is additionally interested in non-hereditary risk factors for pancreatic cancer development and recurrence. This body of work includes: 1) research on dietary and lifestyle associations with pancreatic cancer; and 2) predictors of disease recurrence following pancreatic cancer treatment. Dr. Lucas’ KL2 award focused on protein predictors of early recurrence following pancreatic cancer resection.
3. Population-Based Analyses of Pancreatic Cancer Patients. Large datasets, such as the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) registry, offer the opportunity to perform longitudinal analyses of patients with cancer, and study disparities in cancer care.
4. Other. Dr. Lucas’ early work focused on general gastroenterology and cancer, specifically early identification and management of malignancy. As a board-certified gastroenterologist, Dr. Lucas remains interested in identifying populations at risk for GI cancers, including colorectal cancer.