Jaymin Kathiriya, PhD
Prinicpal Investigator
Jaymin is an Assistant Professor in the Departments of Medicine and Cell, Developmental, and Regenerative Biology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. He is a member of the Black Family Stem Cell Institute, Institute for Airway Science, and Mount Sinai National Jewish Health Respiratory Institute. His research interests focus on understanding the signaling pathways and cellular remodeling that affect fate decisions of distal lung epithelial stem cells. He obtained his PhD at University of South Florida where he identified gene regulatory networks underpinning hypoxia signaling in profibrotic activation of lung epithelium. During his postdoctoral training under Hal Chapman at University of California, San Francisco, he discovered key stem/progenitor cell populations in mouse and human distal lung epithelium that are responsible for both normal and abnormal injury response. Of note, his work discovered previously unappreciated transdifferentiation capacity of human type 2 alveolar epithelial cells to give rise to metaplastic basal cells often observed in the lungs of patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. The Kathiriya lab uses in vitro, in vivo, and in silico computational tools and techniques to study early mechanisms of stem cell activation and role of cytoskeletal remodeling in abnormal differentiation of stem cells in diseases.
Associate Researchers

Sachin Dsouza
Biological & Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, MS (St. John’s University)
Bioinformatics, M.Sc (St Aloysius College)
Life Sciences (CBZ), B.Sc (St Aloysius College)

Tristan Tran
Biology, BS (Cornell University)

Isha Sahasrabudhe
Biostatistics, MS (University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health)

Kelvin Zaw
Associate Researcher (04/01/2023 to 05/30/2024)
Biology, B.A (Hunter College)

Emily Hovan
Volunteer (11/01/2023 to 05/30/2024)
Hispanic Studies, BS (Bowdoin College)
Narrative Medicine, MS (Columbia University)