by roldan01 | Jul 10, 2019 | Uncategorized
Congratulations to Danni Lebovitch, MPH, who will present her thesis work on phenotype risk scores for depression at the 2019 World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics! We’ll tweet her poster location and time at the meeting so y’all can come and learn about...
by roldan01 | Jul 8, 2019 | Uncategorized
The Huckins Lab is delighted to host four summer students this year, from outstanding high schools around NYC. They’ll be working together to analyze psychiatric genetic candidate genes- to understand which genes ‘survive’ in the GWAS era, which...
by roldan01 | Jun 28, 2019 | Uncategorized
The Huckins Lab is so proud of new MPH graduates, Danni Lebovitch, MPH, and Jessica Johnson, MPH! Jessica Johnson, MPH, defended her thesis describing the shared genetic of Schizophrenia and Immune disorders: Danni Lebovitch, MPH, defended her thesis describing the...
by roldan01 | Feb 27, 2019 | Uncategorized
We tweet about our projects, achievements, and papers as part of the Pamela Sklar Division of Psychiatric Genetics twitter account (@SklarPsychGen). Follow us for the latest lab going-on – and plenty of these adorable BrainMojis:
by | Mar 1, 2018 | Uncategorized
Welcome to the “Analytical Genomics of Vulnerable Populations” Lab page! We’re so excited to get this page up and running. Check out our pages for current projects, team members, and available positions.