“Webinar on Advanced Features in ISMMS ELN: Templates, Widgets, and LabArchives Scheduler”

As ISMMS researchers continue to expand their use and knowledge of the school-sponsored Electronic Lab Notebooks (ELNs), there is an increasing interest in understanding and applying the advanced features available in the ELNs. Some of these features, such as templates and widgets, are designed to increase your research productivity and efficiency beyond everyday data entry and sharing. LabArchives Scheduler is a standalone feature outside of the ELN and can be used to organize lab meetings, reserve shared equipment, etc. If you want to know more about one or more of these and other ELN features that interest you, please join us for the advanced topics webinar in the series.

Thursday, June 18, 2020
11 am -12 pm

To join the webinar, please register here in advance. After you register, you will receive an email confirmation with information to join the webinar.

Registration link- https://labarchives.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAvde2hrTkiGt3cCBut09hRBKAZykbd9Un4

(Contact: shekhar.patil@mssm.edu or ext. 4-0704)