1. Castellano G, Cravedi P. History of Childhood Kidney Disease and Risk of Adult End-Stage Renal Disease. N Engl J Med 2018;378(18):1750
2. Angeletti A, Marasà M, Cravedi P. CD55 Deficiency and Protein-Losing Enteropathy. N Engl J Med 2017;377(15):1499.
3. Purroy C, Fairchild RL, Tanaka T, Baldwin 3rd WM, Manrique J, Madsen JC, Colvin RB, Alessandrini A, Blazar BR, Fribourg M, Donadei C, Maggiore U, Heeger PS, Cravedi P. Erythropoietin receptor mediated molecular crosstalk promotes T cell immunoregulation and transplant survival. J Am Soc Nephrol 2017;28(8):2377-2392.
4. Crespo E, Cravedi P, Martorell J, Luque S, Melilli E, Cruzado JM, Jarque M, Meneghini M, Manonelles A, Donadei C, Lloberas N, Gomà M, Grinyó JM, Heeger P, Bestard O. Post-transplant peripheral blood donor-specific IFN-γ ELISPOT discriminates risk of subclinical rejection and de novo donor-specific alloantibodies in kidney transplant recipients. Kidney International 2017;92(1):201-213
5. Ruggenenti P* Cravedi P*, Chianca A, Caruso M, Remuzzi G. Achieving remission of proteinuria in childhood CKD. *Co-first author. Pediatr Nephrol 2017;32(2):321-330
6. Peloso A, Urbani L, Cravedi P, Katari R, P Maghsoudlou, Alvarez Fallas ME, Sordi V, Citro A, Purroy C, Niu G, McQuilling JP, Sittadjody S, Farney AC, Iskandar SS, Rogers J, Stratta RJ, Opara EC, Piemonti L, Furdui C, Soker S, De Coppi P, Orlando G. Rty The Human Pancreas as a Source of Protolerogenic Extracellular Matrix Scaffold for a New-Generation Bioartificial Endocrine Pancreas. Annals of Surgery 2016;264(1):169-79
7. Gandolfini I, Buzio C, Zanelli P, Palmisano A, Cremaschi E, Vaglio A, Piotti G, Melfa L, La Manna G, Feliciangeli G, Cappuccilli M, Scolari MP, Capelli I, Panicali L, Baraldi O, Stefoni S, Buscaroli A, Ridolfi L, D’Errico A, Cappelli G, Bonucchi D, Rubbiani E, Albertazzi A, Mehrotra A, Cravedi P*, Maggiore U* (co-senior authors). The Kidney Donor Profile Index (KDPI) of marginal donors allocated by standardized pretransplant donor biopsy assessment: distribution and association with graft outcomes. Am J Transplant 2014;14(11):2515-25.
8. Cravedi P, Manrique J, Hanlon KE, Reid-Adam J, Brody J, Prathuangsuk P, Mehrotra A, Heeger PS. Immunosuppressive effects of erythropoietin on human alloreactive T cells. J Am Soc Nephrol 2014;25(9):2003-15.
Complete list of publications is available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=cravedi+p
Bibliometric indexes: Citation: >3,800, h-idex: 32, i10: 67