A platform where researchers can access the vast datasets held at Mount Sinai for data science and machine learning endeavors.

Discovering AIR·MS
AIR·MS is a multi-modal health data platform linking patient data generated from different clinical departments across the Mount Sinai Health System, which are currently heavily siloed and often hard to access.
AIR·MS provides an environment in which data scientists can access clinical data such as EHR, -omics, imaging, and sensor data. AIR·MS gives you easy access to a revolutionary unified data source that will accelerate the advancement of healthcare-driven, AI-based solutions.
Facilitating multi-modal data access within a large academic medical institution such as Mount Sinai is an enormous endeavor. By equipping this platform with state-of-the-art computational frameworks and architectures, we enable rapid scientific discovery alongside the translational application into real-world clinical settings, thus leading to better patient outcomes.