Welcome to the home page of Dr. David Kimhy’s Experimental Psychopathology Laboratory. We conduct laboratory and “real-world” studies of cognitive, affective, and behavioral processes and their link to psychopathology in people with Serious Mental Illness (SMI), in particular individuals with schizophrenia and at-risk for psychosis. Our work centers on two primary areas:
- The use of translational approaches to elucidate the mechanisms of development and recovery from psychopathology.
- The development and dissemination of cognitive and behavioral interventions to improve cognitive, affective, and social functioning.
Contact Us
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
One Gustave L. Levy Place
Box 1230
New York, NY 10029
Phone: 212-585-4656
David Kimhy, PhD is an Associate Professor, the Director of the Experimental Psychopathology Laboratory, and the Program Leader for New Interventions in Schizophrenia at the Department of Psychiatry at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Additionally, Dr. Kimhy serves as a Research Scientist at The Mental Illness Research, Education, and Clinical Center (MIRECC) at the James J. Peters VA Medical Center in The Bronx, NY.
Dr. Kimhy completed a 3-year NIMH-funded T32 post-doctoral fellowship in schizophrenia research at the Department of Psychiatry at Columbia University. During this period he also served as a Beck Institute Scholar at the Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Following his post-doctoral training, he joined the Department of Psychiatry at Columbia University and The New York State Psychiatric Institute, serving as faculty for 10 years, before joining Mount Sinai and MIRECC. Dr. Kimhy’s research funding includes grants from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), the Veterans Administration (VA), The Brain & Behavior Research Foundation (formerly NARSAD), as well as institutional funding. He is a member of the editorial boards of Scientific Reports and Digital Psychiatry and Neuroscience.
David Kimhy, PhD
Associate Professor, Psychiatry

Luz H. Ospina, PhD
Research Scientist

Ariana Dichiara, PsyD
Research Scientist

Richard Glisker, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow

Samantha Fagan, MA
Clinical Research Coordinator I

Sloane Miller, MA
Clinical Research Coordinator I

Bella Ozomaro, BS
Clinical Research Coordinator

Madison Strouse, BA
Clinical Research Coordinator

Loriann Cioffi, MA
Clinical & Cognitive Rater

Perel “Perri” Wein, BA
Research Assistant

Emilia Fonseca, BS
Research Assistant
Postdoctoral Training
Dr. Kimhy will accept applications for postdoctoral fellowship training in research and treatment of Serious Mental Illness (SMI) starting in September 2024 (for fellowships starting Summer/Fall 2025). Fellowship positions are offered via:
- Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai – This NIMH-funded T32 research fellowship at the Department of Psychiatry focuses on research of schizophrenia and major mood disorders. For more information about the fellowship training and admissions process, please visit the T32 Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Psychiatry’s web page.
- New York MIRECC – This VA-funded research fellowship focuses on research of schizophrenia and suicide. The fellowship is offered with a primary appointment at the James J. Peters VA Medical Center in the Bronx and a secondary appointment at the Department of Psychiatry, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. For more information about the fellowship training and admissions process, please visit the New York MIRECC Fellowship’s web page.
For inquiries about training opportunities with Dr. Kimhy, please contact him at david.kimhy@mssm.edu.

The James J. Peters VA Medical Center, Bronx, NY

Experimental Psychopathology Lab, Department of Psychiatry
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Alexithymia Intervention for Suicide (ALEXIS) – A study supporting the development of a blended mobile health (mHealth) and psychoeducation intervention aiming to improve social functioning and reduce suicide risk in veterans with serious mental illness (PI: David Kimhy; ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT05724953).
Neurocognition After Perturbed Sleep (NAPS) – An NIMH R21-funded experimental study examining the impact of sleep on neurocognition, functioning, and biomarkers of cognitive change in individuals with schizophrenia (PI: David Kimhy; ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT05032963).
Improving Cognition via Exercise in schizophrenia (ICE) – An NIMH R01-funded, multi-site, single-blind, randomized clinical trial examining the efficacy of exercise to improve neurocognition, daily functioning, and biomarkers of cognitive change in individuals with schizophrenia (PIs: David Kimhy & T. Scott Stroup; ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT03270098).
Social Determinants of COVID-19-Related Psychopathology and Health in Youth (SOPHY) – A study examining the impact of social determinants on COVID-19-related psychopathology (e.g., depression, anxiety, psychosis) and resiliency among adolescents (PI: David Kimhy).
SUicide Reduction In Schizophrenia via Exercise (SUnRISE) – An NIMH-funded R01 supplement for a multi-site, single-blind, randomized clinical trial examining the efficacy of exercise to reduce suicide risk in individuals with schizophrenia (PIs: David Kimhy & T. Scott Stroup).
Optimizing and Personalizing Interventions for Schizophrenia Across the Lifespan (OPAL) – An NIMH P50-funded single-blind, randomized clinical trial examining the efficacy of using mHealth-based (smartphone) technologies to optimize treatment for individuals with first-episode psychosis (PIs Project III: T. Scott Stroup & David Kimhy).
Phenotyping Risk Of Psychiatric HospiTalization (PROPHeT) – A pilot study examining the use of data collected via mobile phones to digitally phenotype and predict risk of psychiatric hospitalization in individuals with severe psychopathology (PI: David Kimhy).
Hippocampal Inflammation as a Pathophysiology of Psychosis – An NIMH-funded study examining the role of hyppocampal inflammation’s contribution to the development of psychotic symptoms and its link to the gut-brain-axis, in particular the gut microbiome (PI: Dolores Malaspina).
Alexithymia Intervention for Suicide (ALEXIS) – Department of Veterans Affairs, Rehabilitation Research and Development (RR&D) Service, SPiRE Award, I21 RX004089 (2023-2025); Principal Investigator: David Kimhy.
Neurocognition After Perturbed Sleep (NAPS) – NIMH R21 MH126357 (2021-2024); Principal Investigator: David Kimhy.
Improving Cognition via Exercise (ICE) in Schizophrenia – NIMH R01 MH110623 (2017-2023); Principal Investigators: David Kimhy & T. Scott Stroup.
SUicide Reduction In Schizophrenia via Exercise (SUnRISE) – NIMH R01 MH110623 Supplement; Principal Investigators: David Kimhy & T. Scott Stroup.
Optimizing and Personalizing Interventions for Schizophrenia Across the Life Span (OPAL II) – NIMH P50 MH115843 (2023-2028); Principal Investigators (Project III): T. Scott Stroup & David Kimhy.
Social Determinants of COVID-19-Related Psychopathology and Health in Youth (SOPHY) – The Arnhold Institute for Global Health, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; NYC Health & Hospitals Elmhurst Global Health Institute; NYC Health & Hospitals Queens Hospital (2023-2024); Principal Investigator: David Kimhy.
Previous (Selected)
Hippocampal Inflammation as a Pathophysiology for Psychosis – NIMH R01 MH110418 (2017-2022); Principal Investigator: Dolores Malaspina.
Thought Disorder and Social Cognition in Clinical Risk States for Schizophrenia – NIMH R01 MH107558 (2017-2021); Principal Investigator: Cheryl Corcoran.
Using the RDoC to Understand Thought Disorder: A Linguistic Corpus-Based Approach – NIMH R01 MH11533 (2018-2021); Principal Investigator: Cheryl Corcoran.
Psychosis in Schizophrenia: Mechanisms of Recovery – NIMH K23 MH077653 (2007-2013); Principal Investigator: David Kimhy.
The Influence of Arousal on Paranoia in Schizophrenia: An Experience Sampling Study – NARSAD Young Investigator Award (2009-2011); Principal Investigator: David Kimhy.
Treatment Units for Research on Neurocognition and Schizophrenia (TURNS) – NIMH N01 MH041003 (2004-2007); Principal Investigator: Stephen Marder.
Optimizing and Personalizing Interventions for Schizophrenia Across the LifeSpan (OPAL) – NIMH P50 MH115843 (2018-2023); Principal Investigators (Project III): T. Scott Stroup & David Kimhy.
2022 and Later
Kimhy D, Ospina LH, Messer S, Sharma V, Datta SS, Stroup TS. Psychosocial Telemedicine Interventions for Schizophrenia (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2024; 2, CD015260. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD015260
Bareis N, Tepper MC, Wang R, Tang F, Olfson M, Dixon LB, Kimhy D, Wall MM, Medalia A, Finnerty MT, Anderson A, Smith TE. Engagement of Individuals with Serious Mental Illness in Outpatient Mental Health Services and Telehealth Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Psychiatry Research, 2023; 329: 115497. PMID: 37778232.
Phalen P, Kimhy D, Jobes D, Bennett M. Emotional Distress and Dysregulation as Treatment Targets to Reduce Suicide in Psychosis: A Scoping Review. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience PMID: 37597022.
Kimhy D, Ospina LH, Beck-Felts K, Lister A, Omene C, Bodenhausen G, Mittal V. Psychiatric and Affective Predictors of Negative Racial Attitudes. Psychiatry Research, 2023; 327: 115376. PMID: 37531817.
Ospina LH, Beck-Felts K, Ifrah C, Lister A, Messer S, Russo SJ, Gross JJ, Kimhy D. Inflammation and emotion regulation: Findings from the MIDUS II study. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity – Health, 2022; 26:100536. PMID: 36247835.
Ospina LH, Beck-Felts K, Ifrah C, Shagalow S, Lister A, Russo SJ, Gross JJ, Kimhy D. Relationships among inflammation, social cognition, and social functioning in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 2022; 248: 366-367. PMID: 34561146.
Joe P, Clemente JC, Piras E, Wallach DS, Robinson-Papp J, Boka E, Remsen B, Bonner M, Kimhy D, Goetz D, Hoffman K, Lee J, Ruby E, Fendrich S, Gonen O, Malaspina D. An integrative study of the microbiome gut-brain-axis and hippocampal inflammation in psychosis: Persistent effects from mode of birth. Schizophrenia Research 2022; 247: 101-115. PMID: 34625336.
Stefancic A, Rogers RT, Styke S, Xu X, Buchsbaum R, Nossel I, Cabassa LJ, Stroup TS, Kimhy D. Development of the First Episode Digital Monitoring mHealth Intervention for People With Early Psychosis: Qualitative Interview Study With Clinicians. JMIR Mental Health, 2022; 9(11): e41482. PMID: 36331539.
Kimhy D, Jones N, Dixon L. Investing in a Research Workforce with Personal Experience of Serious Mental Illness. JAMA Psychiatry, 2022; 79(9): 841-842. PMID: 35921083.
Damme KSF, Gupta T, Ristanovic I, Kimhy D, Bryan AD, Mittal VA. Exercise Intervention in Individuals at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis: Benefits to Fitness, Symptoms, Hippocampal Volumes, and Functional Connectivity. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 2022;48: 1394-1405. PMID: 35810336.
Neppala GK, Terkuhle I, Wagner A, Lepow L, Shaik RB, Freed R, Kimhy D, Pietrzak RH, Velthorst E, Feder A, Ivanov I, Parvaz MA. Social Isolation-Mediated Exacerbation of Negative Affect in Young Drinkers during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Brain Sciences, 2022; 12(2): 214. PMID: 35203977.
Kimhy D, Ospina L, Beck-Felts K, Fakhoury A, Mullins AE, Varga AW. The Impact of Sleep on Neurocognition and Functioning in Schizophrenia – Is It Time to Wake-Up? Journal of Psychiatry and Brain Science, 2022; 7: e220001. PMID: 35224206.
2019 - 2021
Kimhy D, Tay C, Vakhrusheva J, Beck-Felts K, Ospina LH, Ifrah C, Parvaz M, Gross JJ, Bartels MN. Enhancement of Aerobic Fitness Improves Social Functioning in Individuals with Schizophrenia. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 2021; 271: 367-376. PMID: 33389108.
Damme KSF, Sloan RP, Bartels MN, Ozsan A, Ospina LH, Kimhy D, Mittal VA. Psychosis risk individuals show poor fitness and discrepancies with objective and subjective measures. Scientific Reports 2021; 11: 9851. PMID: 33972634.
Edwards ER, Rose NLJ, Gromatsky M, Feinberg A, Kimhy D, Doucette JT, Goodman M, McClure MM, Perez-Rodriguez MM, New AS, Hazlett EA. Alexithymia, Affective Lability, Impulsivity, and Childhood Adversity in Borderline Personality Disorder. Journal of Personality Disorders 2021; 35(Supplement A): 114-131. PMID: 33650890.
Mittal VA, Firth J, Kimhy D. Combating the Dangers of Sedentary Activity on Child and Adolescent Mental Health During the Time of COVID-19. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2020; 59: 1197-1198. PMID: 32860908
Kraus MS, Gold JM, Barch DM, Walker TM, Chun CA, Buchanan RW, Csernansky JG, Goff DC, Green MF, Jarskog LF, Javitt DC, Kimhy D, Lieberman JA, McEvoy JP, Mesholam-Gately RI, Seidman LJ, Ball MP, Kern RS, McMahon RP, Robinson J, Marder SR, Keefe RSE. The Characteristics of Cognitive Neuroscience Tests in a Schizophrenia Cognition Clinical Trial: Psychometric Properties and Correlations with Standard Measures. Schizophrenia Research: Cognition 2020; 19: 100161. PMID: 31832342.
Kimhy D, Lister A, Liu Y, Vakhrusheva J, Delespaul P, Malaspina D, Ospina LH, Mittal VA, Gross JJ, Wang Y. The Impact of Emotion Awareness and Regulation on Psychotic Symptoms During Daily Functioning. npj Schizophrenia 2020; 6: 7. PMID: 32210232.
Vakhrusheva J, Khan S, Chang R, Hansen M, Ayanruoh L, Gross JJ, Kimhy D. Lexical Analysis of Emotional Responses to “Real-World” Experiences in Individuals with Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research 2020; 216: 272-278. PMID 31839556.
Ifrah C, Ospina LH, Shagalow S, Beck-Felts K, Kimhy D. Cognitive insight and autonomic regulation during daily functioning in individuals with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research 2020; 218: 300-301. PMID: 32178930.
Beck-Felts K, Goodman M, Ospina LH, Wall M, McEvoy J, Jarskog LF, Ballon JS, Bartels MN, Buchsbaum R, Sloan RP, Stroup TS, Kimhy D. Suicide Reduction in Schizophrenia via Exercise (SUnRISE): study protocol for a multi-site, single-blind, randomized clinical trial of aerobic exercise for suicide risk reduction in individuals with schizophrenia. Trials 2020; 21: 871. PMID: 33087170.
Hoffman KW, Lee JJ, Corcoran CM, Kimhy D, Kranz TM, Malaspina D. Considering the Microbiome in Stress-Related and Neurodevelopmental Trajectories to Schizophrenia. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2020; 11: 629. PMID: 32719625.
Kogan S, Ospina LH, Mittal VA, Kimhy D: The Impact of Inflammation on Neurocognition and Psychosis Risk: A Critical Review. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 2019; 270: 793-802. PMID:31620871.
Ospina LH, Wall M, Jarskog LF, Ballon JS, McEvoy J, Bartels MN, Buchsbaum R, Sloan RP, Stroup TS, Kimhy D: Improving Cognition via Exercise (ICE): Study Protocol for a Multi-Site, Parallel-Group, Single-Blind, Randomized Clinical Trial Examining the Efficacy of Aerobic Exercise to Improve Neurocognition, Daily Functioning, and Biomarkers of Cognitive Change in Individuals with Schizophrenia. Journal of Psychiatry and Brain Science 2019; 4: e190020. PMID: 31938726.
Malaspina D, Walsh-Messinger J, Brunner A, Rahman N, Corcoran C, Kimhy D, Goetz RR, Goldman SB. Features of Schizophrenia Following Premorbid Eating Disorders. Psychiatry Research 2019; 278: 275-280. PMID: 31254876.
Yee C, Strauss G, Allen D, Haase C, Kimhy D, Mittal V. Trait Emotional Experience in Individuals with Schizophrenia and Youth at Clinical High-Risk for Psychosis. BJPsych Open 2019; 5(5): e78. PMID: 31500685.
2016 - 2018
Shoval A, Armstrong HF, Vakhrusheva J, Ballon JS, Bartels MN, Kimhy D. The Impact of Hypomania on Aerobic Capacity and Cardiopulmonary Functioning – A Case Report. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2018; 9:729. PMID: 30622490.
Kogan S, Ospina LH, Kimhy D. Inflammation in Individuals with Schizophrenia – Implications for Neurocognition and Daily Function. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 2018; 74:296-9. PMID: 30218782.
Benavides C, Brucato G, Kimhy D. Self-Esteem and Symptoms in Individuals at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 2018; 206(6):433-8. PMID: 29781891.
Redman SL, Corcoran CM, Kimhy D, Malaspina D. Effects of Early Trauma on Psychosis Development in Clinical High-Risk Individuals and Stability of Trauma Assessment Across Studies: A Review. Archives of Psychology. 2017;1(3). PMID: 29400347.
Brucato G, Masucci MD, Arndt LY, Ben-David S, Colibazzi T, Corcoran CM, Crumbley AH, Crump FM, Gill KE, Kimhy D, Lister A. Baseline Demographics, Clinical Features and Predictors of Conversion Among 200 Individuals in a Longitudinal Prospective Psychosis-Risk Cohort. Psychological Medicine 2017; 47(11):1923-35. PMID: 28249639.
Kimhy D, Wall M, Hansen MC, Vakhrusheva J, Choi J, Delespaul P, Tarrier N, Sloan RP, Malaspina D: Autonomic Regulation and Auditory Hallucinations in Schizophrenia: An Experience Sampling Study. Schizophrenia Bulletin 2017; 43:754-763. PMID: 28177507.
Vakhrusheva J, Marino B, Stroup TS, Kimhy D. Aerobic Exercise in People with Schizophrenia: Neural and Neurocognitive Benefits. Current Behavioral Neuroscience Reports 2016; 3(2):165-75. PMID: 27766192.
Kimhy D. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Olfactory Hallucinations and Associated Delusions: A Case Report. American Journal of Psychotherapy 2016; 70(1):117-23. PMID: 27052609.
Kimhy D, Gill KE, Brucato G, Vakhrusheva J, Arndt L, Gross JJ, Girgis RR: The Impact of Emotion Awareness and Regulation on Social Functioning in Individuals at Clinical High-Risk for Psychosis. Psychological Medicine 2016; 46:2907-2918. PMID: 27050714.
Armstrong HF, Bartels MN, Paslavski O, Cain D, Shoval HA, Ballon JS, Khan S, Sloan RP, Kimhy D. The Impact of Aerobic Exercise Training on Cardiopulmonary Functioning in Individuals with Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research 2016; 173(1-2):116. PMID: 26976498.
Kimhy D, Lauriola V, Bartels MN, Armstrong HF, Vakhrusheva J, Ballon JS, Sloan RP. Aerobic Exercise for Cognitive Deficits in Schizophrenia – The Impact of Frequency, Duration, and Fidelity with Target Training Intensity. Schizophrenia Research 2016. 172(1-3):213-5. PMID: 26852401.
Mourik K, Decrescenzo P, Brucato G, Gill KE, Arndt L, Kimhy D, Keilp JG, Girgis RR. Various Neurocognitive Deficits and Conversion Risk in Individuals at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis. Early Intervention in Psychiatry 2017; 11(3):250-4. PMID: 26663764.
Kimhy D, Khan S, Ayanruoh L, Chang RW, Hansen MC, Lister A, Ballon JS, Vakhrusheva J, Armstrong HF, Bartels MN, Sloan RP: Use of Active-Play Video Games to Enhance Aerobic Fitness in Schizophrenia: Feasibility, Safety and Adherence. Psychiatric Services 2016; 67:24-243. PMID: 26423100.
Crowley OV, Kimhy D, McKinley PS, Burg MM, Schwartz JE, Lachman ME, Tun PA, Ryff CD, Seeman TE, Sloan RP. Vagal Recovery from Cognitive Challenge Moderates Age-related Deficits in Executive Functioning. Research on Aging 2016; 38(4):504-25. PMID: 26303063.
2013 - 2015
Blum LH, Vakhrusheva J, Saperstein A, Khan S, Chang RW, Hansen MC, Zemon V, Kimhy D. Depressed Mood in Individuals with Schizophrenia: A Comparison of Retrospective and Real-Time Measures. Psychiatry Research 2015; 227(2-3):318-23. PMID: 25895490.
Kimhy D, Vakhrusheva J, Bartels MN, Armstrong HF, Ballon JS, Khan S, Chang RW, Hansen MC, Ayanruoh L, Lister A, Castrén E, Smith EE, Sloan RP: The Impact of Aerobic Exercise on Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Neurocognition in Individuals with Schizophrenia: A Single-Blind, Randomized Clinical Trial. Schizophrenia Bulletin 2015; 41:859-868. PMID: 25805886.
Kimhy D, Vakhrusheva J, Bartels MN, Armstrong HF, Ballon JS, Khan S, Chang RW, Hansen MC, Ayanruoh L, Smith EE, Sloan RP: Aerobic Fitness and Body Mass Index in Individuals with Schizophrenia: Implications for Neurocognitive and Daily Functioning. Psychiatry Research 2014; 220:784-791. PMID: 25219618.
Kimhy D, Vakhrusheva J, Liu Y, Wang Y: Use of Mobile Assessment Technologies in Inpatient Psychiatric Settings. Asian Journal of Psychiatry 2014; 10:90–95. PMID: 25042959.
Kimhy D, Vakhrusheva J, Khan S, Chang RW, Hansen MC, Ballon JS, Malaspina D, Gross JJ. Emotional Granularity and Social Functioning in Individuals with Schizophrenia: An Experience Sampling Study. Journal of Psychiatric Research 2014; 53:141-148. PMID: 24561000.
Kimhy D, Tarrier N, Essock S, Malaspina D, Cabaniss D, Beck AT: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Psychosis: Dissemination and Training Practices in the United States. Psychosis: Psychological, Social and Integrative Approaches 2013; 5:296-305. PMID: 24187582.
Haglund M, Cabaniss D, Kimhy D, Corcoran CM. A Case Report of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Social Anxiety in an Ultra‐High Risk Patient. Early Intervention in Psychiatry 2014; 8(2):176-180. PMID: 23734668.
Kimhy D, Jobson‐Ahmed L, Ben‐David S, Ramadhar L, Malaspina D, Corcoran CM. Cognitive Insight in Individuals at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis. Early Intervention in Psychiatry 2014; 8(2):130-137. PMID: 23343417.
Devylder JE, Ben-David S, Schobel SA, Kimhy D, Malaspina D, Corcoran CM. Temporal Association of Stress Sensitivity and Symptoms in Individuals at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis. Psychological medicine 2013 Feb; 43(2):259-68. PMID: 22651857.
Kimhy D, Crowley OV, McKinley PS, Burg MM, Lachman ME, Tun PA, Ryff CD, Seeman TE, Sloan RP. The Association of Cardiac Vagal Control and Executive Functioning – Findings from the MIDUS Study. Journal of Psychiatric Research 2013; 47(5):628-35. PMID: 23434176.
DeVylder JE, Ben‐David S, Kimhy D, Corcoran CM. Attributional Style Among Youth at Clinical Risk for Psychosis. Early Intervention in Psychiatry 2013; 7(1):84-8. PMID: 22390315.
2010 - 2012
Kimhy D, Vakhrusheva J, Jobson-Ahmed L, Tarrier N, Malaspina D, Gross JJ: Emotion Awareness and Regulation in Individuals with Schizophrenia: Implications for Social Functioning. Psychiatry Research 2012; 200:193-201. PMID: 22749227.
Kimhy D, Myin-Germeys I, Palmier-Claus J, Swendsen J: Mobile Assessment Guide for Research in Schizophrenia and Severe Mental Disorders. Schizophrenia Bulletin 2012; 38:386-395. PMID: 22287280.
Javitt DC, Buchanan RW, Keefe RS, Kern R, McMahon RP, Green MF, Lieberman J, Goff DC, Csernansky JG, McEvoy JP, Jarskog F, Seidman LJ, Gold JM, Kimhy D, Nolan KS, Barch DS, Ball MP, Robinson J, Marder SR. Effect of the Neuroprotective Peptide Davunetide (AL-108) on Cognition and Functional Capacity in Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research 2012; 136(1-3):25-31. PMID: 22169248.
Buchanan RW, Keefe RS, Lieberman JA, Barch DM, Csernansky JG, Goff DC, Gold JM, Green MF, Jarskog LF, Javitt DC, Kimhy D, Kraus MS, McEvoy JP, Mesholam-Gately RI, Seidman LJ, Ball MP, McMahon RP, Kern RS, Robinson J, Marder SR. A Randomized Clinical Trial of MK-0777 for the Treatment of Cognitive Impairments in People with Schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry 2011 69(5):442-449. PMID: 21145041.
Antonius D, Kimhy D, Harkavy-Friedman J, Crystal S, Goetz R, Malaspina D. Paternal Age Related Schizophrenia and Cardiac Autonomic Regulation Profiles. Schizophrenia Research 2011; 127(1-3):273. PMID: 21036543.
Corcoran CM, Kimhy D, Parrilla-Escobar MA, Cressman VL, Stanford AD, Thompson J, David SB, Crumbley A, Schobel S, Moore H, Malaspina D. The Relationship of Social Function to Depressive and Negative Symptoms in Individuals at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis. Psychological Medicine 2011; 41(2):251-261. PMID: 20444306.
Kimhy D, Delespaul P, Ahn H, Cai S, Shikhman M, Lieberman JA, Malaspina D, Sloan RP: Concurrent Measurement of “Real-World” Stress and Arousal in Individuals with Psychosis: Assessing the Feasibility and Validity of a Novel Methodology. Schizophrenia Bulletin 2010; 36:1131-1139. PMID: 19429846.
2007 - 2009
Corcoran CM, Perrin M, Harlap S, Fennig S, Manor O, Nahon D, Kimhy D, Malaspina D, Susser E: Incidence of Schizophrenia Among Second Generation Immigrants in the Jerusalem Perinatal Cohort. Schizophrenia Bulletin 2009; 35:596-602. PMID: 18648022.
Thompson JL, Kelly M, Kimhy D, Harkavy-Friedman J, Khan S, Walsh J, Goetz R, Malaspina D, Corcoran CM: Childhood Trauma and Positive Symptoms among Individuals at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis. Schizophrenia Research 2009; 108:176-181. PMID: 19174322.
Corcoran CM, Perrin M, Harlap S, Deutsch L, Fennig S, Manor O, Nahon D, Kimhy D, Malaspina D, Susser E: Effect of Socioeconomic Status and Parents’ Education at Birth on Risk of Schizophrenia in Offspring. Soc Psychiatry & Psychiatr Epid2009; 44:265-271. PMID: 18836884.
Mazzoni P, Kimhy D, Khan S, Posner K, Maayan L, Eilenberg M, Walsh J, Kestenbaum C, Corcoran C: Childhood Onset Diagnoses in a Case Series of Teens at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology 2009; 19:771-776. PMID: 20035596.
Kimhy D, Durbin K, Corcoran CM: Cannabis and Psychosis – What Can Daily Diary Studies Tell Us About Who is Vulnerable. Primary Psychiatry 2009; 16:44-48. PMID: 19606270.
Kimhy D, Corcoran CM: Use of Palm Computer as an Adjunct to CBT with an Ultra High Risk Patient – a Case Report. Early Intervention in Psychiatry 2008; 2:234-241. PMID: 19884956.
Corcoran CM, Kimhy D, Stanford A, Khan S, Walsh J, Thompson JL, Schobel S, Harkavy-Friedman J, Goetz, R, Colibazzi T, Cressman V, Malaspina, D: Temporal Association of Cannabis Use with Symptoms in Individuals at Ultra High Risk for Psychosis. Schizophrenia Research 2008; 106:286-293. PMID: 18809298.
Kimhy D, Corcoran C, Harkavy-Friedman JM, Ritzler B, Javitt DC, Malaspina D: Visual Form Perception: a Comparison of Individuals at High-Risk for Psychosis, Recent Onset Schizophrenia and Chronic Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research 2007; 97:25-34. PMID: 17884347.
Goetz R, Corcoran C, Yale S, Stanford AD, Kimhy D, Amador X, Malaspina D: Validity of a ‘Proxy’ for the Deficit Syndrome Derived from the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS). Schizophrenia Research 2007; 93:169-177. PMID: 17433629.
2006 and Before
Kimhy D, Yale S, Goetz R, Marcinko McFarr L, Malaspina D: The Factorial Structure of the Schedule for the Deficit Syndrome in Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin 2006; 32:274-278. PMID: 16177274.
Kimhy D, Harlap S, Fennig S, Deutch L, Draiman BG, Corcoran C, Goetz D, Nahon D, Malaspina D: Maternal Household Crowding During Pregnancy and the Offspring’ Risk of Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research 2006; 86:23-29. PMID: 16740377.
Kimhy D, Delespaul P, Corcoran C, Ahn H, Yale S, Malaspina D: Computerized Experience Sampling Method (ESMc): Assessing Feasibility and Validity among Individuals with Schizophrenia. Journal of Psychiatric Research 2006; 40:221-230. PMID: 16300791.
Kimhy D, Goetz R, Yale S, Corcoran C, Malaspina D: Delusions in Individuals with Schizophrenia: Factor Structure, Clinical Correlates, and Putative Neurobiology. Psychopathology 2005; 38:338-344. PMID: 16269869.
Kimhy D, Harkavy-Friedman JM, Nelson EA: Identifying Life Stressors of Patients with Schizophrenia at Hospital Discharge. Psychiatric Services 2004; 55:1444-1445. PMID: 15572579.
Cohen CI, Hyland C, Kimhy D: The Utility of Mandatory Depression Screening of Dementia Patients in Nursing Homes. American Journal of Psychiatry 2003; 160:2012-17. PMID: 14594749.
Harkavy-Friedman JM, Kimhy D, Nelson EA, Venarde DF, Malaspina D, Mann JJ: Suicide Attempts in Schizophrenia: The Role of Command Auditory Hallucinations for Suicide. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2003; 64:871-874. PMID: 12927000.
For a complete list of publications, please visit:
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Thank you for your interest in our lab. We conduct laboratory and “real-world” studies of cognitive, affective, and behavioral processes and their link to psychopathology in people with Serious Mental Illness (SMI).
Undergraduates, Recent Graduates, and Master Students
We are delighted by your interest in the Experimental Psychopathology Lab. By joining our lab as a research assistant (RA), you can gain the necessary research experience and training needed for admission into clinical psychology graduate programs and/or medical school. Additionally, you will receive mentorship from Dr. Kimhy and other members of the laboratory. RAs within the Experimental Psychopathology Lab may be asked to help with any of the following: preparing for study visits, liaisoning with study participants, administering questionnaires, data entry, data quality control, behavioral coding, literature searches, development of research manuscripts, and helping with regulatory documentation and grant applications.
RA positions are typically voluntary (unpaid) and require a minimum commitment of 10 hours per week for at least 9 months. Additionally, volunteers are required to register with the Mount Sinai Department of Volunteer Services and undergo an onboarding process. If you’d like to apply for an RA position, please send your resume to Dr. Kimhy at david.kimhy@mssm.edu.
Doctoral Students
Doctoral students interested in developing their dissertation with Dr. Kimhy may join the Experimental Psychopathology Laboratory via their doctoral programs at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai or from other programs and institutions. Interested candidates should contact Dr. Kimhy at david.kimhy@mssm.edu to discuss their research interests and plans.
In the Media
Hearing Voices Others Can’t – How a Growing Movement Fights Mental Health Stigma
Impact of Aerobic Exercise on Cognitive Functioning in People with Schizophrenia
How Secret Spying Programs Affect the Clinically Paranoid
Exercise May Improve Memory, Thinking in People With Schizophrenia
Can You Diagnose a Manic Episode on Twitter?
Does Aerobic Exercise Help Improve Cognition in People with Schizophrenia?
Dr. David Kimhy
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
One Gustave L. Levy Place
Box 1230
New York, NY 10029
Phone: 212-585-4656
Email: david.kimhy@mssm.edu